Place page number

Add total number of pages
Uses the current page number as well as the total number of pages, using the format “<Page number>/<Total pages>”
Text size
Defines the size of the text.
Text color
Use the color selector to specify the color of the text to be placed.
Coordinates where the object is to be placed.
Offsets the object relative to the parameters given under “Placement”. Values should be entered in the form of coordinates, giving x and y values relative to the reference point given under “Placement”. This means that values such as “-5” are also valid.
Enlarge page
If the text does not appear within the page region, the page can be enlarged.
Page range
For multi-page documents, specifies the range of pages on which the text will be placed.

For usability reasons, the Switchboard Action has a limited range of functionality.
If you wish to customize additional page numbering parameters, you can also use the “Place page number” fixup (see below for further details).

Result without using “Enlarge page” option: The page number is placed at the top right.

Result of “Enlarge page and indicate original size” This will draw an additional line allowing you to identify the original page size.

Using the “Place page number” Fixup

First, call up the Fixup window under Tools - Fixups.

A predefined Fixup using “Place page number” can be found under the “Shapes, Variables, JavaScript, Place content” library.
If another library is currently selected, you can also search all available libraries using the green icon.
The predefined Fixup is named “Place page number in left or right corner”.

The Fixup lets you create the object on a layer or as a spot color. It also lets you create a white background.