Training manual for pdfToolbox Desktop

The training manual

This training manual helps you to become familiar with pdfToolbox by guiding you step by step through all important aspects of Profile creation in pdfToolbox Desktop. It contains four sessions with selected interactive exercises and solutions.

After this training manual, you will know the mechanisms of Profile creation which will help you to take full advantage of this powerful tool.


You will learn in the 4 sessions how to...

… modify Checks and Fixups or configure them yourself.

… combine Checks and Fixups into Preflight Profiles.

… build Process Plans to automate your PDF workflows.

… set up simple Variables to create dynamic Preflight Profiles.

Simply download the following PDF training manual, open it in a PDF viewer and you are good to go!

This PDF contains interactive actions, such as a button to show and hide solutions. Therefore, the PDF should be opened in a PDF viewer that supports this feature, such as Adobe Acrobat, Foxit, or a Chrome-based browser.

You are a new user and don't have pdfToolbox Desktop yet?

That's no problem. The following steps will show you how to request a 14-day trial version of pdfToolbox Desktop and how to install and activate it.

1. Download pdfToolbox Desktop

You can download the trial version of pdfToolbox Desktop here.

2. Install pdfToolbox Desktop

In these articles you will find a description about how to install pdfToolbox Desktop:

Mac: Installation of pdfToolbox Desktop on Mac

Windows: Installation of pdfToolbox Desktop on Windows

3. Activate pdfToolbox Desktop

Follow the instructions in the following article to activate the trial version directly from the software. After activation, the trail version is valid for 14 days: Activation of pdfToolbox.