Assign cartridges using cartridge pools

Cartridges allow the License Server to give permission to other callas software applications to run. The different types of cartridges are explained here: Cartridge types.

Cartridge pools allow assigning some of the licenses available on the License Server for specific tasks. This provides a way to establish dedicated licenses for time-critical tasks for example.

Each cartridge can be assigned to exact one cartridge pool. A client can request a license for any number of pools by specifying the cartridge pool on the command line by using the --lspool parameter. An example of how to use this parameter on the CLI can be found here.

Cartridge pools are a feature for the License Server on-premise. If you are interested in using cartridge pools on the License Server (via a separate wallet ID), please contact your reseller.

Assign a cartridge to a pool

It is recommended to derive the serial number for the respective cartridge on the CLI via the --status command first, which will also show an overview about already existing cartridge assignments to existing pools:

licenseServer --status
Click to copy

Then assign a cartridge to a named cartridge pool:

licenseServer --assign <cartridge serial number> <POOLNAME>
Click to copy

To unassign a cartridge from a pool, just use an empty string (""):

licenseServer --assign <cartridge serial number> ""
Click to copy

Retrieving status of callas License Server using REST interface

If cartridge pools are used, this is also visible in the REST interface.

The REST API delivers information about cartridges and sessions for the default pool. That means if a cartridge is not assigned to a pool, it is listed directly in the REST API. The cartridges that are assigned to a specific pool are not displayed in the status until the cartridge pool name is entered (1).

For automated monitoring purposes it is also possible to receive the monitoring data in a .json format. 

The following example uses the curl command.

curl -XGET localhost:1401/status/data.json -H "X-Pool-ID:Test"
Click to copy