Extended list of parameters for the barcode object
As of version 1.2, pdfChip supports a substantially extended list of parameters for the barcode object. Many of these parameters are symbology specific, and a good understanding of how a given barcode or matrix code works is required in order to successfully use the parameters.
Whenever uncertain which parameters to use, and how to use them, please contact the callas software support team at [email protected].
Parameter | Value | Description |
activetextindex | number | Sets the currently active text index. The user can only change the setting of the text that is currently active. That means that if the user calls the function BCSetActiveTextIndex(pBarCode, 1) all future calls will be applied to text object #1 until another text object is activated in the same manner. Note: By default the human readable text (index 0) is the active text. You can change the position and size of an extra text but not that of the human readable text. |
autocorrect | either "true" or "false" | Sets auto-correct option for input data. If set to true TBarCode performs the following operations on the input data (before creating the bar code): - Code 39: Trim leading/trailing '*' characters (start/stop characters are added by the encoder) - ISBN-13/ISSN/ISMN: Remove '-' characters (not encoded into the bar code) - Code 2of5 Interleaved: Insert a leading zero if the number of data digits is odd (2/5 IL supports only even number of digits) - Code-128: Remove multiple occurrences of leading FNC1 and all occurrences of trailing FNC1 characters. - GS1-128: Remove all leading and trailing FNC1 characters (the FNC1 at first position is added by the encoder). Note: Should always be set to true. |
aztec_enforcebinaryencoding | either "true" or "false" | Determines whether Aztec Code shall be encoded in binary mode or not. Note: Binary mode usually is faster but produces bigger symbols than text mode |
aztec_errorcorrection | number | Sets the number of error correction codewords in percent (from 0 to 99) of the symbol size. Note: By default the error correction level is 23%. 3 additional check words are added for error detection. |
aztec_format_format | List of possible values: "Default" (default value) or "UCCEAN" or "Industry" | Specifies the Aztec Code encoding format. |
aztec_format_specifier | text string | Specifies the Aztec Code Encoding Format specifier for industry format. |
aztec_runemode | either "true" or "false" | Determines whether symbol shall be encoded in Aztec Rune mode. Note: Aztec Runes are special Aztec Codes without data section. Aztec Runes can encode values from 0 to 255 |
aztec_size | List of possible values:, "Default" (used as default), "15x15", "19x19", "23x23", "27x27", "31x31", "37x37", "41x41", "45x45", "49x49", "53x53", "57x57", "61x61", "67x67", "71x71", "75x75", "79x79", "83x83", "87x87", "91x91", "95x95", "101x101", "105x105", "109x109", "113x113", "117x117", "121x121", "125x125", "131x131", "135x135", "139x139", "143x143", "147x147", "151x151", "19x19_Rd", "23x23_Rd", "27x27_Rd" and "Rune" | Sets Aztec Code symbol size. Specifies the size of the symbol. The size is given in rows and columns and can be between 15 x 15 and 151 x 151. If no fixed size is selected the minimal required size of the symbol is computed automatically. Note: The sizes "19x19", "23x23", "27x27" are specially used for reader programming |
barshape_shape | List of possible values: "Default", "Rectangle", "Ellipse", "BigEllipse", "RoundedRectangle", "Image" | Sets the bar shape of the barcode. Attention: For average use we strongly recommend to use only bar shape "Default". Using any of the other modes can endanger readability. A change does make only sense for special applications like advertisements, fun barcodes, etc., that do not enforce the readability of the barcodes. Note: "Image" is currently not supported. |
barwidthreduction | number with unit, allowed units are "mm", "cm", "m", "in", "ft", "pt", "pc" and "%" | Sets bar-width (Pixel-Shaving) reduction in given unit. Specifies the reduction of the bar-widths. The width of a bar in the barcode is reduced by the given value in the given unit. This property is useful when printing on ink jet printers: On such printers the bars appear wider than specified because the ink spreads a little bit. You can compensate this effect by setting a bar-width reduction (also called "Pixel Shaving") to an suitable value. You have to play around to find suitable settings because this effect depends on the printer, on the used paper, and on the ink. The printed module-width is equal to the theoretically optimal module-width reduced by the reduction value. |
bearerbars | List of possible values: "none" (used as default), "topbottom", "top", "bottom" and "Rectangle" | Sets the type of the bearer bars. By default, bearer bars are deactivated ("None"). To activate bearer bars the bearer bar type has to be set to "TopAndBottom" or "Rectangle". The bearer bar width has to be set to -1 for the default minimum bearer bar width or a value > 0. The vertical bearer bar is only displayed, if you have set a quiet zone at left and right >= 12 modules (the quiet zone is necessary to keep the bar code readable). Remarks: Usually bearer bars are used with ITF-14 only. The bearer bar was introduced to equalize the pressure exerted by the printing plate over the entire surface of soft materials. It also enhances reading reliability by helping to reduce the probability of misreads by skewed scanning beams. Bearer-bars are usually drawn below and above the barcode (ITF-14) and are used to avoid partial scans. They can be also drawn as a rectangle. For some barcode symbologies with synchronization bars (like EAN8) you must not enable bearer bars. See the Barcode Reference for more information. |
bearerwidth | number with unit, allowed units are "mm", "cm", "m", "in", "ft", "pt" and "pc" | Sets the width of the bearer bars [with a precision of 1/1000 mm]. By default, bearer bars are deactivated ("None"). To activate bearer bars the bearer bar type has to be set to "TopAndBottom" or "Rectangle". The bearer bar width has to be set to -1 for the default minimum bearer bar width or a value > 0. The vertical bearer bar is only displayed, if you have set a quiet zone at left and right >= 12 modules (the quiet zone is necessary to keep the bar code readable). |
cbf_columns | number | Adjusts the number of Codablock-F columns. Specifies the number of columns that should be used for the Codablock-F symbol. If this value is not set explicitly, the number of columns is computed automatically (default). |
cbf_format | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default) and "UCCEAN" | Sets Codablock-F code format. Specifies the encoding format for Codablock-F. Selects UCC/EAN or the default encoding format. |
cbf_rowheight | number | Sets the row height for Codablock-F. Specifies the height of an individual row in 1/1000 mm. If this value is not set explicitly (=default), the height is calculated according to the bounding rectangle when drawing. If set, ensure that the bounding rectangle is big enough to avoid clipping. |
cbf_rows | number | Adjusts the number of Codablock-F rows. Specifies the number of rows that should be used for the Codablock-F symbol. If this value is not set explicitly, he number of rows is computed automatically (default). |
cbf_rowseparatorheight | number | Sets the height of the Codablock-F row-separator. Specifies the height of the row-separator in 1/1000 mm. If this value is not set (=default), the height of the separator row is calculated automatically (according to the bounding rectangle). If set, ensure that the bounding rectangle is big enough to avoid clipping. |
cdmethod | List of possible values: "None" (used as default), "Standard", "Mod10", "Mod43", "2Mod47", "DPLeit", "DPIdent", "1Code11", "2Code11", "USPSPostnet", "MSI1", "MSI2", "Plessey", "EAN8", "EAN13", "UPCA", "UPCE", "EAN128", "Code128", "RM4SCC", "PZN", "Mod11W7", "EAN14", "Mod10Kor", "Mod10Pla", "Mod10ItlPst25", "Mod36", "Mod16", "Mod10Luhn", "VIN", "Mod10LuhnRev", "Mod23PPSN", "Mod10IMPackage", "Mod11W10" or "SwedishPostal" | Chooses check-digit method to be used. The method for the check-digit calculation used depends on the adjusted barcode type. In order to make the product as user-friendly as possible, a standard (default) method for each barcode type is supplied. Please note that for some bar codes there is no default check digit, but using a specific method is recommended in their specification. Some symbologies have an internal check sum (e.g. Modulo-103 used with Code-128). This check sum is always part of the generated bar code Ð regardless what the user specifies here. Attention: Adjust only check-digit methods, which are allowed or recommended for a specific symbology. E.g. if a check-digit is generated, which cannot be encoded (e.g. due to limited character set of the barcode) you will get an error. Also consider that it can be necessary that the scanner configuration is adapted to the check digit. |
codepage | List of possible values: "Custom", "ANSI", "Windows1252", "Latin_I", "ASCIIExt_437", "UTF8", "Korean", "Japanese_Shift_JIS", "Simplified_Chinese", "Trad_Chinese_Big5", "ANSI_Cyrillic", "KOI8_R", "GB18030", "MAC_Roman", "ISO_8859_1", "ISO_8859_2", "ISO_8859_3", "ISO_8859_4", "ISO_8859_5", "ISO_8859_6", "ISO_8859_7", "ISO_8859_8", "ISO_8859_9", "ISO_8859_10", "ISO_8859_11", "ISO_8859_12", "ISO_8859_13", "ISO_8859_14", "ISO_8859_15", "ISO_8859_16", "UTF16LE", "UTF16BE", "Default" |
Predefined code pages. If the encoding mode ("encodingmode", specified below) has the value "codepage", the input data is encoded in the selected code page. Otherwise (if the encoding mode is different) the code page is ignored. The items listed here on the left are predefined values for often used code pages. When default, the default code page value for the selected barcode type is used. Symbology...Encoding For example: PDF417/MicroPDF ... CP437 QR-Code ... Shift JIS All other barcodes ... ANSI. |
compression | List of possible values: "None" (used as default), "Deflate", "GZip", "ZLib" | Sets compression mode for barcode content. |
displaytext | text string | Sets the content of the currently active text object (usually the human readable text). Note: "displaytext" can be used to override the human readable text which normally would contain the bar code content (only if the human readable text is currently active). The currently active text object can be selected by calling "setactivetextindex". |
dm_enforcebinaryencoding | either "true" or "false | Determines whether Data Matrix shall be encoded in binary mode or not. Note: Binary mode usually is faster but produces bigger symbols than text mode |
dm_format | List of possible values: "Default" (default value) or "UCCEAN", "Industry", "Macro05", "Macro06", "Reader" and "PostMatrix" | Specifies Data Matrix encoding format. Specifies the generated code format. Per default the default encoding scheme is used. |
dm_rectangular | either "true" or "false" | Switches between square or rectangular Data Matrix symbols. Per default square Data Matrix symbols are computed. Change this behavior with this parameter. |
dm_size | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "10x10", "12x12", "14x14", "16x16", "18x18", "20x20", "22x22", "24x24", "26x26", "32x32", "36x36", "40x40", "44x44", "48x48", "52x52", "64x64", "72x72", "80x80", "88x88", "96x96", "104x104", "120x120", "132x132", "144x144", "8x18", "8x32", "12x26", "12x36", "16x36" or "16x48" | Sets Data Matrix symbol size. Specifies the size of the symbol. The size is given in rows and columns and can be between 10 x 10 and 144 x 144 for squares or 8 x 18 and 16 x 48 for rectangles. If no fixed size is selected the minimal required size of the symbol is computed automatically. |
dotcode_enforcebinaryencoding | either "true" or "false" | Determines whether DotCode shall be encoded in binary mode or not. Note: Binary mode usually is faster but produces bigger symbols than text mode |
dotcode_format_format | List of possible values: "Auto", "Generic", "GS1", "Industry", "Macro05", "Macro06", "Macro12", "MacroCustom", "Reader" | Specifies DotCode encoding format. Specifies the encoding format. Default is "Auto". |
dotcode_format_specifier | text string | Format specifier for "Industry" format DotCode. Consists of 1 letter (upper or lower) or 2 digits. |
dotcode_mask | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "0", "1", "2" and "3" | Sets QR-Code mask pattern [0..4]. Specifies the so-called "mask" that is applied to the DotCode to achieve the highest possible readability. The optimal mask is computed automatically. This is somewhat time consuming - if the encoding process must be optimized set a predefined mask. |
dotcode_printdirection | List of possible values: "DontCare" (used as default), "OptimizeHorizontal" and "OptimizeVertical" | Sets the print direction for which the DotCode symbol is to be optimized, regarding the robustness of the symbol. Specifies the expected print direction. Per default "do not care" is selected. |
dotcode_size_mode | List of possible values: "Default", "RatioWidthHeight", "FixedWidth", "FixedHeight" | Specifies DotCode symbol size mode. Specifies the size mode and value. Default size mode is "Default". |
dotcode_size_size | text string | Specifies DotCode symbol size. Depending on the "dotcode_size_mode", "dotcode_size_size" should have following values: "Default": the "dotcode_size_size" value is ignored "RatioWidthHeight": the "dotcode_size_size" value contains the ratio between width and height ("w:h"). Recommended are values between 1:2 and 2:1 (in the mathematical sense) "FixedWidth": the "dotcode_size_size" value contains the width in number of dots "FixedHeight": the "dotcode_size_size" value contains the height in number of dots |
encodingmode | List of possible values: "CodePage" (used as default), "LowByte", "ByteStream", "BYTE_HILO", "Hexadecimal" | Sets the data encoding mode. The data encoding mode specifies how to interpret the input data. Depending on whether the input data is UNICODE or single character encoded the mode has different effects. See "encodingmode" and "codepage" in the Barcode Reference Manual for a more detailed description. |
format | text string | Sets format string applied to barcode data prior encoding. The format string is applied to the barcode data before it is encoded. Using the format string you can perform special operations (like including special control characters, subset switching, start/stop character control) easily. Please refer to the Barcode Reference for more information. |
hanxin_eclevel | List of possible values: "L1" (used as default), "L2", "L3" and "L4" | Sets Han Xin Code error correction level (ECL). Sets Han Xin Code error correction level (ECL). If not set, error correction level "1" is used as default. |
hanxin_enforcebinaryencoding | either "true" or "false" | Determines whether Han Xin Code shall be encoded in binary mode or not. Note: Binary mode usually is faster but produces bigger symbols than optimized symbol mode |
hanxin_mask | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "0", "1", "2" and "3" | Sets Han Xin Code mask pattern (0-3). Specifies the so-called "mask" that is applied to the Han Xin Code to achieve the highest possible readability. The optimal mask is computed automatically. This is somewhat time consuming - if the encoding process must be optimized set a predefined mask. |
hanxin_version | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82", "83" and "84" | Specifies the symbol version (the symbol size). Specifies the size of the symbol. Han Xin Code supports a number of different symbol sizes. These sizes are called "versions". If no fixed size is selected the minimal required size of the symbol is computed automatically. |
hres | number | Sets user defined horizontal resolution. Sets output resolution to be used in bar code drawing / calculation functions. If not set (default), the resolution of the available device context is used (e.g. screen resolution or printer resolution). Note: This function should be used with gerat care, because bar code dimensions can change unexpectedly. |
maxi_mode | number | Specifies the operating mode for encoding data. Specifies the operating mode for encoding data. Default is Mode "4". Mode "2": SCM Numeric - Structured Carrier Message (Postal Code only numeric, up to 9 digits) Mode "3": SCM Alphanumeric - Structured Carrier Message (Postal Code alphanumeric, up to 6 characters) Mode "4": For numeric and alphanumeric character sequences (Standard Error Correction). This is the default Mode "5": Full EEC - like Mode 4, but with Enhanced Error Correction (safer, but less usable data) |
maxi_scm_countrycode | text string | Country Code ["000"..."999"]. Used in the modes 2 and 3 (SCM). Set MaxiCode structured carrier message (SCM). For a detailed description refer to the additional document Barcode Reference (chapter Setting SCM parameters). |
maxi_scm_postalcode | text string | The Postal Code - used in the modes 2 and 3 (SCM - " Structured Carrier Message"). String with altogether 9 digits (or other characters), depends on MAXI_Mode. Set MaxiCode structured carrier message (SCM). For a detailed description refer to the additional document Barcode Reference (chapter Setting SCM parameters). |
maxi_scm_serviceclass | text string | Service class ["000"..."999"]. Specify the Service Class. Used in the modes 2 and 3 (SCM). Set MaxiCode structured carrier message (SCM). For a detailed description refer to the additional document Barcode Reference (chapter Setting SCM parameters). |
maxi_undercut | number | Undercut in percent [1..100]. Specifies the undercut value of MaxiCode. This value influences the diameter of the barcode items (which are small hexagons in case of MaxiCode). Modify this value, if reading problems with the used output medium occur. Note: Default value: -1 (75% undercut) |
maxi_usepreamble_date | text string | Specifies the value for the year ["00"..."99"] (the last two digits - the century - are used). This date will be inserted automatically into the data stream on a predefined place (before the encoded data). Note: The parameter "maxi_usepreamble_use" must be set to true! Activates the usage of the "Preamble" in MaxiCode. Specifies whether preamble functionality ("[)>..." will be encoded in the symbol header) should be activated. This is relevant in particular Open System Standards only. Refer to the additional document Barcode Reference (chapter setting SCM parameters). |
maxi_usepreamble_use | either "true" or "false" | Use preamble ("[)>..."). Activates the usage of the "Preamble" in MaxiCode. Specifies whether preamble functionality ("[)>..." will be encoded in the symbol header) should be activated. This is relevant in particular Open System Standards only. Refer to the additional document Barcode Reference (chapter setting SCM parameters). |
modulewidth | number with unit, allowed units are "mm", "cm", "m", "in", "ft", "pt" and "pc" | Sets a fixed module width (value is processed with a precision of 0.001 mm). The module width is defined as the width of the smallest element (bar or space) a barcode is using. Values are internally specified in 1/1000 mm. If the module width is not set explicitly (default), the module width is automatically adapted to the object size (bounding rectangle) and the amount of data to be encoded. If a value is set, the width of the modules and therefore of the whole barcode can be controlled (this may also influence the readability!). If set, the barcode width depends on the amount of data encoded in the barcode. For most barcode symbologies the module width should not fall below 0.19 mm. |
mpdf417mode | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "EAN128", "C128Std", "C128FNC2", "EAN128Lk", "05Macro", "06Macro", "CCA", "CCB" and "Binary" | Sets Micro PDF encoding mode. This option adjusts how data is encoded as MicroPDF417. In most cases the "Default" mode is the best choice. Often the scanner hardware does not support all modes listed here - check with your reading device first. If not set explicitly, the input data is analyzed. Text, numeric or binary compaction mode will be switched automatically in order to produce the smallest possible symbol. |
mpdf417version | List of possible values:, "Default", "1x11", "1x14", "1x17", "1x20", "1x24", "1x28", "2x8", "2x11", "2x14", "2x17", "2x20", "2x23", "2x26", "3x6", "3x8", "3x10", "3x12", "3x15", "3x20", "3x26", "3x32", "3x38", "3x44", "4x4", "4x6", "4x8", "4x10", "4x12", "4x15", "4x20", "4x26", "4x32", "4x38" and "4x44" | Sets Micro PDF Version (symbol size). The MicroPDF Version adjusts the number of data-columns and data-rows of the symbol; therefore it specifies the size of the symbol. You can specify versions between "1x11" and "4x44" (horizontal data-columns x vertical data-rows). If not set explicitly, the smallest possible symbol is generated by analyzing the input data and choosing the suitable version automatically. |
mqr_mask | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "0", "1", "2", "3" and "4" | Sets Micro QR-Code mask pattern (0-7). Specifies the so-called "mask" that is applied to the Micro QR-Code to achieve the highest possible readability. The optimal mask is computed automatically. This is time consuming - if the encoding process must be optimized set a predefined mask. |
mqr_version | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "0", "1", "2", "3" and "4" | Specifies the symbol version (the symbol size). Specifies the size of the symbol. Micro QR-code supports a number of different symbol sizes. These sizes are called "versions". If no fixed size is selected the minimal required size of the symbol is computed automatically. |
notchheight | number with unit, allowed units are "mm", "cm", "m", "in", "ft", "pt" and "pc" | Sets the additional length of the synchronization bars (notches). The term "notch" describes the synchronization bars used in some symbologies (like EAN, UPC, JAN, ...). These notches are a little bit longer than normal bars. The original length of these synchronization bars is normally determined automatically. Use this function to specify an additional length of these bars. Note: The notch height does not affect the barcode size calculation. So it is recommended that you don't let the notches exceed the barcode size. Though negative notch heights are allowed, it is recommended to use positive values only. |
options | text string | Sets the barcode option string. The option string consists of at least one name/value pair followed by zero or more name/value pairs separated by space characters. The format is: name=value{ name=value}. A name must be a valid predefined option name. Values can be given in the following ways: As Simple Values. Simple values are passed as they are. Spaces must be escaped by a preceding "\\". Valid values for boolean options are true and false. e.g.: NAME_BOOL=true NAME_NUMBER=123 NAME_TEXT=ABC NAME_WITHSPACE=ABC\ abc As Text Values. Text values are surrounded by single quotes. They may contain spaces which don't have to be escaped. Single quotes that occur in the text have to be escaped by a preceding "\\". e.g.: NAME_TEXT='ABC' NAME_WITHSPACE='ABC abc' NAME_WITHQUOTE='Robin\'s Nest' As Complex Values. Complex values are surrounded by curly braces "{...}". Complex value may consist of other simple, text, or complex values. e.g.: NAME_COMPLEX={NAME_TEXT='ABC' NAME_NUMBER=123} The following options are currently supported: DRAW_PS_Overprint=[bool] - enable/disable overprinting for PostScript output. DRAW_BarWidthReduction_Legacy=[bool] - enable legacy mode for bar width reduction. CHECK_CDMethod=[enum] - set the check digit method (see BCSetCDMethod, e_CDMethod). CHECK_CodaBarIncludeStartStop=[bool] - determine whether to include start and stop character of CodaBar2 into check digit calculation. DATA_TranslateEsc=[bool] - enable/disable translation of escape sequences (see BCSetTranslateEsc). DATA_CodePage=[enum] - set the code page for the barcode data (see BCSetCodePage, e_CodePage). MQR_Version=[enum] - set the Micro QR-Code version (see BCSet_MQR_Version, e_MQRVersion). MQR_Mask=[enum] - set the Micro QR-Code mask (see BCSet_MQR_Mask, e_MQRMask). QrCode_Version=[enum] - set the QR-Code version (see BCSet_QR_Version, e_QRVersion). QrCode_Format=[enum] - set the QR-Code format (see BCSet_QR_Format, e_QRFormat). QrCode_FmtAppIndicator=[string] - set the QR-Code format application indicator (see BCSet_QR_FmtAppIndicator). QrCode_ECLevel=[enum] - set the QR-Code error correction level (see BCSet_QR_ECLevel, e_QRECLevel). QrCode_Mask=[enum] - set the QR-Code mask (see BCSet_QR_Mask, e_QRMask). QrCode_KanjiChineseCompaction=[enum] - set the QR-Code compaction mode (see BCSet_QR_KanjiChineseCompaction, e_QRMBCompaction). QrCode_Append={sum=[int] index=[int] parity=[byte]} - set the QR-Code structured append (see BCSet_QR_Append). DataMatrix_Size=[enum] - set the Data Matrix Size (see BCSet_DM_Size, e_DMSizes). DataMatrix_Rectangular=[bool] - enforce a rectangular symbol (see BCSet_DM_Rectangular). DataMatrix_Format=[enum] - set the Data Matrix format (see BCSet_DM_Format, e_DMFormat). DataMatrix_Append={sum=[int] index=[int] fileId=[int]} - set the Data Matrix structured append (see BCSet_DM_Append). DataMatrix_EncodingMode=[enum] - set the Data Matrix Encoding Mode (0 .. optimal, 1 .. enforce binary, 2 .. prefer ASCII). DataMatrix_ECC144Alternative=[bool] - enable/disable alternative ECC for symbol size 144x144. DataMatrix_CaptivaScanner=[bool] - enable/disable CAPTIVA scanner mode. HanXin_Version=[enum] - set the Han Xin version (see BCSet_HanXin_Version, e_HanXinSizes). HanXin_EnforceBinaryEncoding=[bool] - do enforce binary encoding (see BCSet_HanXin_EnforceBinaryEncoding). HanXin_ECLevel=[enum] - set the Han Xin error correction level (see BCSet_HanXin_ECLevel, e_HanXinECLevel). HanXin_Mask=[enum] - set the Han Xin mask (see BCSet_HanXin_Mask, e_HanXinMask). DotCode_Size={mode=[enum] size=[string]} - set the DotCode Size (see BCSet_DotCode_Size, e_DCSizeMode). DotCode_PrintDirection=[enum] - set the DotCode print direction (see BCSet_DotCode_PrintDirection, e_DCPrintDirection). DotCode_EnforceBinaryEncoding=[bool] - do enforce binary encoding (see BCSet_DotCode_EnforceBinaryEncoding). DotCode_Format={format=[enum] specifier=[string]} - set the DotCode format (see BCSet_DotCode_Format, e_DCFormat). DotCode_Mask=[enum] - set the DotCode mask (see BCSet_DotCode_Mask, e_DCMask). EanUpc_NotchHeight=[int] - set the EAN/UPC notch height (see BCSetNotchHeight). EanUpc_ShowQZMarker=[bool] - show quiet zone markers (see Format Setting '<'). EanUpc_LegacyDraw=[bool] - enable legacy draw mode (without increasing or decreasing the module width). Valid values for: [bool] (boolean) are true and false. [enum] (enumeration) are integer values in the range of the according enumeration data type. [string] (string) are string/text values. [int] (integer) are integer values. [byte] (byte) are integer values in the range of [0..255]. |
pdf417_addressee | text string | Sets Macro PDF417 Addressee (optional). Specifies addressee (alphanumeric, variable length field) Optional field to be encoded into the Macro PDF control header block. Default: unused. |
pdf417_checksum | number | Sets Macro PDF417 Check Sum (optional). Sets 16-Bit CRC checksum (using CCITT-16 polynomial x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 over the entire data) Optional field to be encoded into the Macro PDF control header block. Default: unused. |
pdf417_columns | number | Sets the number of PDF417 columns. Sets the number of graphic columns [1...30] for PDF417 to a fixed value. If not set, the number of columns is calculated automatically by TBarCode (this is the default). |
pdf417_eclevel | number | Sets PDF417 error correction level. Set the "Error Correction Level" for PDF417 to a fixed value. Possible values are [0...8] where 0 means only error recognition (no EC) and 8 means the highest level of EC. If not set, the error correction level is chosen automatically. |
pdf417_encodingmode | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default) and "Binary" | Sets PDF417 encoding mode. Sets the PFD417 encoding mode. If the mode is set to default the generation algorithm tries to find an optimum encoding. If binary data is encoded, binary encoding is most of the time the better choice. |
pdf417_fileid | text string | Sets Macro PDF417 FileID. The File-ID identifies all symbols, which belong to the same data chain. For reassembling, all data blocks having the same File-ID are concatenated in the order of increasing segment index. Macro PDF will be enabled only if the Segment-index and the File-ID are set. Default: MacroPDF is disabled. |
pdf417_filename | text string | Sets Macro PDF417 File Name (optional). Specifies file name (alphanumeric, variable length) Optional field to be encoded into the Macro PDF control header block. Default: unused. |
pdf417_filesize | number | Sets Macro PDF417 File Size (optional). Specifies total number of Bytes encoded (numeric, variable length field) Optional field to be encoded into the Macro PDF control header block. Default: unused. |
pdf417_rowcolratio | text string | Sets PDF417 row to column ratio to a fixed value. Sets the ratio between PDF417-rows and PDF417-columns. Does only work, if neither the value of"pdf417_rows") nor "pdf417_columns" are set to a constant value. If not set, the row:column ratio is determined automatically. |
pdf417_rowheight | number | Sets PDF417 row height to a fixed value. Sets the height of a PDF417 row tow a fixed value [1/1000 mm]. If not set, the height is calculated automatically. |
pdf417_rows | number | Sets number of PDF417 rows. Sets the number of graphic rows for PDF417 to a fixed value. If not set, the number of rows is calculated automatically (this is the default). |
pdf417_segcount | number | Sets Macro PDF417 segment count (optional). Specifies total number of data segments. Optional field to be encoded into the Macro PDF control header block. Default: unused. |
pdf417_segindex | number | Sets Macro-PDF417 segment index. Index of the actual data segment in the symbol chain. Begin with 1 and increase for each additional symbol in the data chain. Macro PDF will be enabled only if the Segment index and the File ID are set. Default: Macro PDF is disabled. PDF417 allows user data to be spread across several symbols. This might be done if the data is too large to fit into a single symbol or for reasons of appearance and geometry. The so called "Macro PDF Control Block" carries additional control information that enables the reading device to reconstruct the data of all symbols in the correct order Macro PDF functionality is also available for MicroPDF417. Note: When reading the encoded data with a bar code scanner, the index may be zero-based. |
pdf417_seglast | either "true" or "false" | Marks the actual symbol as the last one within the Macro PDF417 symbol chain. Marks the current symbol as the last one within the actual symbol chain. This feature is used when generating Macro PDF417. |
pdf417_sender | text string | Sets Macro PDF417 Sender (optional). Specifies sender (alphanumeric, variable length field) Optional field to be encoded into the Macro PDF control header block. Default: unused. |
pdf417_timestamp | number | Sets Macro PDF417 Time Stamp (optional). Specifies time stamp (elapsed time in seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00 GMT) (numeric) Optional field to be encoded into the Macro PDF control header block. Default: unused. |
qr_eclevel | List of possible values:, "Low" (used as default), "Medium", "Quartil" and "High" | Sets QR-Code error correction level (ECL). Sets QR-Code error correction level (ECL). If not set, medium error correction level is used per default. |
qr_fmtappindicator | text string | Set QR-Code format Application Indicator (used with "Industry" format, ["0"..."99"] or [a-z, A-Z]). Is used only in connection with "Industry" format. The Application Indicator determines, to which industry format the input stream corresponds. |
qr_format | List of possible values: "Default" (default value) or "UCCEAN" or "Industry" | Specifies QR-Code encoding format. Specifies the generated code format. Per default the default encoding scheme without a special header is used. |
qr_kanjichinesecompaction | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "None", "Kanji" and "Chinese" | Enables QR-Code "Compact Kanji" or "Compact Chinese" option. Enables the compaction of Kanji or Simplified Chinese characters into 13-bit values. The characters must be passed on as Unicode (wide string functions) in combination with code page set to Shift JIS or Simplified Chinese. If you use encoding mode Low Byte, the Kanji-characters must be supplied in Shift JIS X 0208 and the Chinese characters in GB2312 (Simplified Chinese) multi byte character set. Compaction of Kanji characters is done according to ISO/IEC 18004 (and AIM ITS/97-001); Compaction of Chinese characters is done according to GB/T 18284-2000. Note: Do not use this option for pure binary data or ASCII characters. Take care with QR-Code 2005, which has a different default encoding. |
qr_mask | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" and "7" | Sets QR-Code mask pattern (0-7). Specifies the so-called "mask" that is applied to the QR-Code to achieve the highest possible readability. The optimal mask is computed automatically. This is very time consuming - if the encoding process must be optimized set a predefined mask. |
qr_version | List of possible values:, "Default" (used as default), "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39" and "40" | Specifies the symbol version (the symbol size). Specifies the size of the symbol. QR-Code supports a number of different symbol sizes. These sizes are called "versions". If no fixed size is selected the minimal required size of the symbol is computed automatically. |
quietzonebottom | number | Sets the size of the quiet zone below the code in given units. Specifies the size of the required quiet zone in the respective units. A quiet zone is an unprinted area above, below, right, or left of a barcode. Note: If you specify the quiet zone in modules, the width of the quiet zone depends on the module width (respectively "narrow bar width X"). |
quietzoneleft | number | Sets the size of the quiet zone to the left of the code in given units. Specifies the size of the required quiet zone in the respective units. A quiet zone is an unprinted area above, below, right, or left of a barcode. Note: If you specify the quiet zone in modules, the width of the quiet zone depends on the module width (respectively "narrow bar width X"). |
quietzoneright | number | Sets the size of the quiet zone to the right of the code in given units. Specifies the size of the required quiet zone in the respective units. A quiet zone is an unprinted area above, below, right, or left of a barcode. Note: If you specify the quiet zone in modules, the width of the quiet zone depends on the module width (respectively "narrow bar width X"). |
quietzonetop | number | Sets the size of the quiet zone above the code in given units. Specifies the size of the required quiet zone in the respective units. A quiet zone is an unprinted area above, below, right, or left of a barcode. Note: If you specify the quiet zone in modules, the width of the quiet zone depends on the module width (respectively "narrow bar width X"). |
quietzoneunit | List of possible values: "X", "mm", "cm", "m", "in", "ft", "pt" and "pc" ("X" is the current "modulewidth") | The units in which the size of a quiet zone parameter is given |
ratio | text string | Set print-ratio string. Specifies the print-ratio string for the width-relationship of the single bars and spaces. The ratio string looks like "1B:2B:...1S:2S" where 1B stands for the ratio-value for the most narrow bar, 1S for the ratio-value of the most-narrow space. The number of values for bars (xB) and the number of values for the spaces (xS) depends on the current symbology. It is explained in more detail in the Barcode Reference. |
rotation | List of possible values: "0" (used as default), "90", "180", "270" | Sets the rotation of the barcode (counter-clockwise). Rotates the barcode in 90¡ steps counter-clockwise. |
rss_segmperrow | number | Sets data segments per Row (RSS Expanded Stacked only) to a fixed value. The value of "rss_segmperrow" specifies how many data words (segments) are encoded in one data row of the symbol. Values in the range from 2 to 22 are allowed. Data words are encoded in pairs, so only even numbers are valid. Wrong values are auto-corrected. If this value is not set (default), the number of data segments per row is 4. |
swap_foreground_background | either "true" or "false" (used as default) | Swaps background and foreground color. Using CSS styling, it is possible to make the bars in a barcode (or the squares in a matrix code) use an image or gradient in the background for drawing, whereas the "empty space" between them is drawn using the foreground color, for example white. This lets the barcode or matrix code look as if the image or gradient are used for coloring its bars or squares. |
textalignment | List of possible values: "Default" (used as default), "Left", "Right", "Center" | Sets the alignment of the currently active text object (usually the human readable text). The default is center alignment. Note: The currently active text object can be selected by calling "activetextindex". |
textdistance | number with unit, allowed units are "mm", "cm", "m", "in", "ft", "pt" and "pc" | Sets the distance between the human readable text and the barcode. The default text distance is computed automatically, but can be overridden by using "textdistance". Note: This function is only supported for the human readable text but NOT for the extra texts. |
textplacement | List of possible values: "below" (used as default), "none" and "above" | Defines whether and where text for a barcode that normally has text next to it is placed. |
vres | number | Sets user defined vertical resolution. Sets output resolution to be used in bar code drawing / calculation functions. If not set (default), the resolution of the available device context is used (e.g. screen resolution or printer resolution). Note: This function should be used with great care, because bar code dimensions can change unexpectedly. |