Introduction to pdfaPilot CLI

Install and activate

To get going with pdfaPilot CLI, the first thing needed is installation and activation. This is explained step by step in the next article.


The easiest way to find out what you can do with the command-line is to run the --help command.

This will provide a long help text with 

  1. Available parameters for validating with OR converting to PDF/A (as shown in the screenshot above)
  2. Various "commands" usable with pdfaPilot CLI (not visible in the screenshot above but explained below)

1. Validating with or converting to PDF/A using pdfaPilot CLI

In the most basic form pdfaPilot needs only input file or files to be validated or converted to PDF/A. Additional to this, there are other parameters as shown in the screenshot above. For example:


which would only analyze the input file for validation but not convert the file to PDF/A. Or multiple parameters like (this would analyse the input PDF for PDF/A-3u conformance level):

./pdfaPilot --analyse --level=3u <PDF>
Click to copy

2. Run commands directly (without Profiles)

Another way to process PDF files using pdfaPilot CLI is running commands. pdfaPilot --help will also furnish the list of commands that you can execute (as shown below):

Once you find the command you want to work with, drill-down; for example, to know how to save images from pdfaPilot, issue the command:

./pdfaPilot --help saveasimg
Click to copy

Get in touch

If some necessary information is not provided by this manual or if there are any questions or feedback please contact our support line by using the "Contact Support" form.

Alternatively, you can also send an e-mail to [email protected].