Installation of pdfaPilot Desktop or Server on Windows

You can download the latest version of pdfaPilot Desktop or Server from our website by requesting a trial:

  1. pdfaPilot Desktop: pdfapilotdesktop

  2. pdfaPilot Server: pdfapilotserver

You can also register on our website for easy access to all pdfaPilot download links. Once registered and logged in, you can access the list of download links here:

  1. pdfaPilot Desktop: pdfapilotdesktop

  2. pdfaPilot Server: pdfapilotserver

Unattended installation

It is also possible to run the installtion without any user interaction.

With the additional parameter /S the application will be installed at the default location on Program Files.

C:\>"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\callas pdfaPilot 7.exe" /S

Installation with user interaction

Short Introduction, continue with "Next".

Please read the License and Support Conditions carefully and click on "Next" if you agree.

Now select the components you want to install.

You can install the application on the default location in program files, else this can be changed by clicking on "Browse..." and setting path to the custom location.

Installation of pdfaPilot  is now finished. Clicking on "Finish" will run pdfaPilot Desktop Standalone.