Run as a server

callas pdfaPilot Server/CLI can also be used for processing hotfolders on platforms, where no user interface for the configuration of the require set-­tings is available (like Linux).
This possiblity to start a Server without a user interface is available on MacOS and Windows also of course. First, the pdfaPilot CLI has to be started in server mode:

--server [--quiet] [--accesskey=accesskey] [--port=port] [--cachefolder=cachefolder] 


optional, suppresses output
optional, sets a accesskey for restricting the possibility to change configuration using the server user interface
optional, defines the port for communication between CLI and server user interface via the network (Default: 1302)
optional, defines the path to cachefolder


--server --port=1302 --accesskey=123456 

For setting up a job for hotfolder processing, connect to the remote server using any pdfaPilot Desktop installation in the same network:


After entering the accesskey, new jobs can be configured, started or stopped. Profiles and Settings will be transfered to the remote server, where the are stored at /usr/share/callas software (path must be writable).

If this location can not be used caused by limitations on the respective environment, the additional option --cachefolder can be used for defining a custom path when starting the server:


  --server --port=1302 --cachefolder=PATH 

All paths defined for hotfolder processing need to be entered manually and have to be valid path specifications. (Hotfolder paths of any remote server jobs (IN, OUT, etc.) have to be configured so that they are valid from the service's perspective (the system where the service is running) - and not from the perspective of the controlling standalone application.) The server can also be stopped by remote, but not started.

Preferences files of the Server

 In general, there is no need to touch the preferences files of the Server.
Using MacOS and Windows, the Server settings from a previous version can be imported when starting a new major version the first time. Within updates in a generation of a major version (e.g. 8.0 to 8.1), there is no change regarding the configuration files in the preferences.

Nonetheless, if there is a need for a manual change to these files, these are the common locations for the preferences folder of the Server:

  • Windows:
    C:\ProgramData\callas software\callas pdfaPilot CLI <version>
    (can easily be reached by enterin "%allusersprofile%" into the address bar of the Windows Explorer)
  • MacOS:
    /Library/Application Support/callas software/callas pdfaPilot CLI <version>
  • Linux:
    /usr/share/callas software/callas pdfaPilot CLI <version>

Please contact our support team if you have any questions about the files and there usage before changing them.