Job settings

The server job has a variety of setting options, which are described below.

  1. Name: Here you can specify a name for the job, this will then be displayed in the list of jobs.
  2. Description: In addition to the name, an additional description can also be stored.
  3. Profile: Predefined Profiles can be selected, new created, duplicated, or imported from an external path.
  4. Hotfolders: The Hotfolders are folders through which files are imported and output after processing, depending on the result of a profile.
  5. Process subfolder: By activating this option, nested directories can also be processed, otherwise only files located directly in the folder are processed.
  6. Overwrite existing files: In the output folders (Success, Error, Processed) new files are indexed with _0001, _0002 ... and stored next to them. If this option is activated, existing files with the same name are always overwritten.
  7. Log complete CLI output: Under "Processed Files", a log file with the CLI output in text form is also created for each processed file.
  8. Keep original: The original input file will be stored under "Processed files" as well.
  9. Additional CLI parameters: As an alternative to selecting a profile, commands for the CLI can be specified here as well as other parameters that exist for a CLI command. Similar to the command call (via the command prompt/terminal), the parameters must always be separated by a space.
  10. Turbo button: When clicking this button, only one path must be specified. Within this folder, the subfolders (Inbox, Success, Error, Processed) are automatically created at the same time.

Create reports

Overview of possible report types

Use "non-PDF files" as input files

If files, that are not already a PDF file, are to be processed as input files (such as images or even Office files), the program tries to convert them automatically, if the format is supported.

Please also note the following article: Requirements for conversion to PDF