Imposition configuration terminology - shingling
Shingling can be corrected in two ways: either by moving the content on a page or by scaling the page to receive a consistent outer margin of the pages.
The following methods are supported:
- "Legacy" (not for JavaScript runlist): Shingling by shifting the page contents inwards (ShinglingOffset < 0) or outwards (ShinglingOffset > 0)
- "Shift": Shingling by shifting the page contents inwards
- "Scale": Shingling by scaling the page contents anamorphic
- "ScaleP": Shingling by scaling the page contents proportional
The following directions are supported (no effect for the ShinglingMethod "Legacy"):
- "inwards": Shifts/scales all pages, except the outer page, towards the spine. The goal of this scaling is the leading edge of the outer pages.
- "outwards": Shifts/scales all pages, except the inner page. The goal of this scaling is the leading edge of the inner pages
- "both": Shifts/scales inside pages toward the spine and outside pages toward the leading edge. The goal of this shingling is the final cut width of the product.
The shingling value is incremented by this value for each signature in a staple
(no effect for the ShinglingMethod "Legacy").