Visibility: Object is partially clipped
The property "Object is partially clipped" detects partially clipped objects (which are thus only partially visible on the page).
Clipping occurs in the following ways:
- through an explicit clipping path, or a combination of several clipping plaths
- through the implicit clipping path defined by the CropBox, or in its absence the MediaBox, of a page; an object is always completely clipped if it is outside the CropBox, or in its absence the MediaBox, of a page
- through the combination of explicit clipping paths and the implicit clipping path defined by the CropBox, or in its absence the MediaBox, of a page
The following objects will not be found by this property:
- objects that are completely clipped
- objects that are only partially (in)visible because they are partially obliterated
For detecting complete clipping see article Visibility: Object is completely clipped.
The "Filter" option defines the set of objects for which it shall be determined whether they are partially clipped.

Sample files
The example below makes use of the check Object is partially clipped.kfpx and the PDF file three red rectangles, one half clipped, one fully clipped.pdf which are available for download:
The page show in the screenshot below contains three evenly spaced red squares, where the middle one is half clipped, and the rightmost one is fully clipped (and thus not visible). The clipping paths in effect are indicated by the blue dashed lines.
It can be seen below how the partially clipped red square in the middle is detected.