How to debug Sifter Checks and see their results
Sifter shapes can be evaluated using Profile Execution and Test mode.
Sifter shapes with Log Profile Execution
Log Profile Execution creates a sifter input or snippet report that contains layers for all snippet categories that are playing a role during a sifter check. The report is a PDF file containing layers for the following categories:
- A: All snippets from collection A
- B: All snippets from collection B
- All: All snippets from collection A & B
- Intersection Results: All intersections between A and B
Single Intersection Areas: One layer for each individual intersection
- Layer name encodes snippet IDs and bounding box of intersection
- 0: IDs [-1 - 2] BBox [157.7 157.7 569.245 569.245]
- Layer name encodes snippet IDs and bounding box of intersection
Snippets: One layer for each snippet from collection A or B
- Layer name encodes snippet ID, fill or stroke and collections, e.g.:
- ID: 0 - Fill [A+All]
- Layer name encodes snippet ID, fill or stroke and collections, e.g.:
When "Log profile execution" is active, such a report is written for each sifter check to the step folder in a sub folder (as shown in the sample screenshot below) with the name "Sifter" during profile execution.

Sifter shapes with Test mode
In Test mode, if a profile creates at least one shape (e.g. by running a "Create and apply shape" Fixup or a "Shape definition" check), an extra tab "Shape preview" is created on the left hand panel displaying a shape preview created by filling the shape with red color. The screenshots below show 3 different tabs of the preview of the Test Mode:
- Original (1): First tab in the left hand panel during Test Mode showing the original PDF
- Result (2): Second tab in the left hand panel during Test Mode showing the resultant PDF after applying "Create and apply shape" Profile
- Shape preview (3): Third tab in the left hand panel during Test Mode showing the generated shape filled by red color