Create new, Manage, Import or Export Libraries
Create a new Library
Watch this short video and learn how to create your own libraries in pdfToolbox.
Follow the below steps to create a new Library:

- In the "Name" field save the new Library as "Library Project XYZ".
- If necessary you can add a description for the new Library. No extra information is needed for this Library.
- The new Library can be locked in order to protect them from changes. It is not done in this example.
- For an improved Library overview, the color of the background and text dialogs can be customised.
- You can prefer to start with an empty library, empty library with resources or using the entire library with the default settings. This example starts with a empty Library.
- Click "OK" to save the new library.
The new library "Library Project XYZ" is shown in the "Manage Libraries" list.
- Click "OK".
You can now select this new Library in Switchboard and Profile pane.
Add a Check to created library
Now we want to investigate the created Library "Library Project XYZ". The new Library was constructed as an empty library. You can derive Process Plans, Profiles, Checks, Fixups and Actions from any other Library to the empty Library.
In this example we add the predefined Check "Text is smaller than 5 pt" from the 'Prepress, color and transparency' Library:
- Go to 'Manage libraries' in Library dropdown > Select "Checks".
- In the (left) dropdown list, select "a Library" from where you want to select the Check.
- In the (right) dropdown list, select "Library Project XYZ" where you want to copy the Check.
- Select the Check "Text is smaller than 5 pt".
- Click on the blue arrow button to add the Check in "Library Project XYZ".
- Click "OK".
Open 'Manage Libraries' dialog
- Via Switchboard dropdown
- Via Profile window dropdown
- 'More options' button (top right)
Manage Libraries dialog
In the Libraries list above, all the default Libraries along with a custom Library 'Support' are shown.
In the lower part of the dialog, buttons for various functions can be found:
- Adding a new Library.
- Duplicate an existing Library.
- Edit a selected Library.
- Protect a selected Library.
- Unprotect a selected Library.
- Export a selected Library.
- Import a Library.
- Delete a selected Library.
Analyze the Manage Libraries dialog (left pane)
In the left column, under the entry "Libraries" all areas are listed that can be set up in the selected library.
Here are the details:
- Libraries: A list of available standard or custom libraries
- Process plans: Combined Profiles, Checks, Fixups and Actions to apply on a PDF file. Here the sequence is important
- Profiles: pdfToolbox Profiles that combined Checks and Fixups to apply on a PDF file. For example to convert a PDF to the PDF/X-4 standard
- Checks: pdfToolbox Checks that investigate a PDF file according to some criteria. For example the thickness of text
- Fixups: pdfToolbox Fixups that fixed a PDF file. For example converting all the text into outlines
- Actions: pdfToolbox Actions apply an action on a PDF file. For example creating an imposed PDF file.
- Quick fixes: Faster PDF manipulation feature
- Variables: Values given at run-time instead of predefined values
- Output Intents: The output conditions
- ICC profiles: ICC color profiles
- Color conversion policies: Policies to convert colors in a PDF file. For example convert to "Office RGB"
- Font substitution policies: Policies about missing fonts
- Curve files: Curve settings for tone value adjustments
- Ink to spot mapping curves: Mapping curve that looks at the ink amount values across the page and uses them to look up the tint value to use for the spot color plate
- Spot color libraries: A custom spot color library that stores spot colors and your alternate color space definitions
- Place content HTML templates: HTML templates to add PDF content. For example adding the file name.
- Custom report templates: A custom report templates for report generation.
- 'Ask at runtime' dialog templates: A custom template to adjust the 'Ask at runtime' dialog to specify variables
- PostScript conversion settings: Quality levels.
- Imposition run lists: Imposition scheme plans. For example to plan 8 business cards, double sided.
- Imposition sheet setups: Sheet configuration plans. For example 8 business cards on a A4 page size.
- Overlay templates: Overlay templates such as "Draft" or "Watermark".
- Passepartout backgrounds: Passepartout backgrounds such as "Sand paper" or "Stone".
- OCCD view setups: Template to view Optional Content Configuration DIctionary
Export created library

- Click on the Action button (of the Library dropdown).
- Click "Export Library".
And save the Library in your system.
Import library

- Click on the Action button (or the Library dropdown).
- Click "Import Library".
Select a Library (.kfpl) from your system and import.