Policies (deprecated, available till v10.2)
The regular ICC based color conversion is extended by some useful options. This includes obtainment of pure black, recognition of RGB black or adaption of tone value increase. Additional parameters for controlling these properties can be defined in "Policy" files, that can be selected in the "Convert colors" Fixup. These config files are completely text based and can be modified with a simple text editor. Exported color conversion profiles contain these additional files. You can find the available Policy files in the following directories:
%PROGRAMFILES%\callas pdfToolbox <version>\ColorConversion\Policies
%PROGRAMFILES%\callas pdfaPilot <version>\ColorConversion\Policies
You will find details on parameters and example configurations on the following pages. When editing a color policy file, please make sure to a <tab>
between the name of the parameter and the value. The use of a <space>
character will result in a color conversion failure. A "#
" at the beginning of a line indicates a comment and prevents the line from being processed.
Excerpt from a policy file:
DisplayName <tab> 1 <tab> MyPolicy
CMYKGraph-StripSourceProfile <tab> 1
CMYKGraph-C_eq_M_eq_Y_is_Black <tab> CMYK_Black
CMYKImage-PassThroughDeviceColor <tab> 1
GrayGraph-AdvancedColorConversion <tab> AdjustDotGain
GrayGraph-SetGrayColorSpaceTo <tab> Separation_Black ...

All parameters defined in color policy files take precedence over all settings defined in the user interface. Please note that nonetheless only objects triggered due to the Conversion settings in the user interface will be changed.
The following parameters are available (please consult section Parameter for a detailed explanation):
- StripSourceProfile
- ConvertToDestination
- RenderingIntent
- BlackPointCompensation
- ProfileSourceSelector
- PassThroughDeviceColor
- C_eq_M_eq_Y_is_Black
- C_eq_M_eq_Y_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes
- R_eq_G_eq_B_is_Black
- R_eq_G_eq_B_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes
- SetGrayColorSpaceTo
- a_eq_b_eq_0_is_Black
- a_eq_b_eq_0_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes
- HandleProcessColorInDeviceN_SeparationAsDeviceCMYK
- AdvancedColorConversion_Primaries
- AdvancedColorConversion_Secondaries
- AdvancedColorConversion_Tertiaries
- AdvancedColorConversion_All
- AdvancedColorConversion
- CompressionMethod
- JPEGQuality
- SetTransparencyBlendSpaceToDest
Conversion parameters can be influenced by modifying a static color policy file. The location of this file is:
%PROGRAMFILES%\callas pdfToolbox version\etc\ColorConversion\Policies DeviceLink\Policy_DL_Default.cfg
%PROGRAMFILES%\callas pdfToolbox Server version\cli\etc\ColorConversion\Policies DeviceLink\Policy_DL_Default.cfg
This applies for all DeviceLink conversions and is not part of the kfpx.
Example of a policy file
- Convert line art elements defined in RGB (calibrated and uncalibrated) using Quick Conversion
- Decalibrate calibrated CMYK
- Convert images using RGB to CMYK (Iso Coated v2 (ECI)), use sRGB as source profile uncalibrated RGB
Fixup settings
Convert Colors
- Destination: ISOcoated v2 (ECI)
- Assumed CMYK Profile: ISOcoated v2 (ECI)
- Assumed RGB Profile: sRGB
- Assumed Grayscale Profile: Dot Gain 15%
- Use black point compensation
- Preserve black objects
- Policy: Office_Conversion_Policy
Conversion Setting
- Objects: All Objects
- using: Any color (except spot colors)
- Conversion: Convert to destination
Settings of the Office_Conversion_Policy file
DisplayName 1 Office_Conversion_Policy
# Source parameters for CMYK vector objects
CMYKGraph-StripSourceProfile 1
CMYKGraph-HandleProcessColorInDeviceN_SeparationAsDeviceCMYK 1
CMYKGraph-PassThroughDeviceColor 1
# Source parameters for CMYK images CMYKImage-StripSourceProfile 1 CMYKImage-ConvertToDestination 0
CMYKImage-HandleProcessColorInDeviceN_SeparationAsDeviceCMYK 1
CMYKImage-PassThroughDeviceColor 1
# Source parameters for RGB vector objects
RGBGraph-StripSourceProfile 1
RGBGraph-MakeQuickConversion 1
RGBGraph-UndercolorRemoval 0.5
RGBGraph-BlackGeneration 0.5
# Source parameters for RGB images
RGBImage-StripSourceProfile 0
RGBImage-ConvertToDestination 1
# Source parameters for Gray vector objects
GrayGraph-ConvertToDestination 0
GrayGraph-AdvancedColorConversion Off
GrayGraph-SetGrayColorSpaceTo 0
# Source parameters for Gray images
GrayImage-ConvertToDestination 0
GrayImage-AdvancedColorConversion Off
GrayImage-SetGrayColorSpaceTo 0
- CMYKGraph-StripSourceProfile
- CMYKImage-StripSourceProfile
- RGBGraph-StripSourceProfile
- RGBImage-StripSourceProfile
- GrayGraph-StripSourceProfile
- GrayImage-StripSourceProfile
Off |
Leave source profiles unchanged (default) |
On |
Remove source profiles |
If set to On source profiles are removed during conversion. This also applies if ConvertToDestination is set to Off. This parameter overrides the conversion option for calibrated colors of the conversion settings.
- Note: This parameter has a special implication for Lab color spaces:
Strictly speaking the 'source profile' for a Lab color space cannot be stripped or removed. Nevertheless, if StripSourceProfile is set to On, the Lab profile specified in Assumed profiles will be used instead – so this is a means to replace a Lab color space for an object with some other Lab color space.
- CMYKGraph-ConvertToDestination
- CMYKImage-ConvertToDestination
- RGBGraph-ConvertToDestination
- RGBImage-ConvertToDestination
- GrayGraph-ConvertToDestination
- GrayImage-ConvertToDestination
- LabGraph-ConvertToDestination
- LabImage-ConvertToDestination
Off |
Do not convert to destination color space (default) |
On |
Convert to destination color space |
If set to On the object is converted to the destination color space as specified in the settings. If the object does not have a source profile, or if the parameter StripSourceProfile is set to On, the profile specified in Assumed profiles will be used as the source profile. If the object has a source profile, and StripSourceProfile is set to Off, the object's source profile will be used.
- CMYKGraph-RenderingIntent
- CMYKImage-RenderingIntent
- RGBGraph-RenderingIntent
- RGBImage-RenderingIntent
- GrayGraph-RenderingIntent
- GrayImage-RenderingIntent
- LabGraph-RenderingIntent
- LabImage-RenderingIntent
UseDoc |
Rendering Intent specified in the PDF is used (default) |
RelCol |
Relative colorimetric |
AbsCol |
Absolute colorimetric |
Perc |
Perceptual |
Satur |
Saturation |
This parameter defines which Rendering Intent is used for a color conversion. This parameter overrides the option Rendering Intent of the conversion settings.
- Note: If there is no Rendering Intent explicitely defined in the PDF the default is relative colorimetric.
- CMYKGraph-BlackPointCompensation
- CMYKImage-BlackPointCompensation
- RGBGraph-BlackPointCompensation
- RGBImage-BlackPointCompensation
- GrayGraph-BlackPointCompensation
- GrayImage-BlackPointCompensation
- LabGraph-BlackPointCompensation
- LabImage-BlackPointCompensation
Off |
Do not use Black Point Compensation |
On |
Use Black Point Compensation (default) |
If the parameter is set to On, Black Point Compensation is used for the color conversion when performing an ICC based color conversion using the relative colorimetric Rendering Intent. This parameter overrides the option Use black point compensation of the destination settings.
- CMYKGraph-ProfileSourceSelector
- CMYKImage-ProfileSourceSelector
FromDefaultProfile |
Use default profile (default) |
FromEmbeddedOutputIntent |
Use profile from embedded Output Intent |
If set to FromEmbeddedOutputIntent the source profile will be taken from an embedded Output Intent for DeviceCMYK objects. (This parameter overrides the parameter Assumed profiles). If no Output Intent is embedded an error is returned. This parameter overrides the option Output Intent takes precendence over assumed profiles of the destination settings.
- CMYKGraph-PassThroughDeviceColor
- CMYKImage-PassThroughDeviceColor
- RGBGraph-PassThroughDeviceColor
- RGBImage-PassThroughDeviceColor
- GrayGraph-PassThroughDeviceColor
- GrayImage-PassThroughDeviceColor
- LabGraph-PassThroughDeviceColor
- LabImage-PassThroughDeviceColor
Off |
Convert all objects as defined in the conversion settings (default) |
On |
Convert only objects using a calibrated color space |
This parameter disables color conversion for objects that do not have a source profile. Thus, if both ConvertToDestination and PassThroughDeviceColor are set to On, only objects that have a source profile will be converted. Please be aware, that in this regard if StripSourceProfile is set to On the object will be considered as having no source profile (in essence setting both StripSourceProfile and PassThroughDeviceColor to On has the same effect as setting ConvertToDestination to Off).
If ConvertToDestination is set to Off, PassThroughDeviceColor does not have any effect.
- CMYKGraph-C_eq_M_eq_Y_is_Black
- CMYKImage-C_eq_M_eq_Y_is_Black
NoChange |
Convert as defined for color space CMYK (default) |
DeviceGray |
Use DeviceGray |
CMYK_Black |
Use DeviceCMYK Black |
Separation_Black |
Use Separation Black |
If only the black channel is used, the object will be converted according to the settings for color space Gray and stored in the defined color space afterwards. This parameter overrides the option Preserve black objects of the destination settings for CMYK.
- CMYKGraph-C_eq_M_eq_Y_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes
- CMYKImage-C_eq_M_eq_Y_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes
Blend mode | Name of Blend modes to exclude from color conversion, multiple values have to be <TAB> separated, e.g.: ColorDodge ColorBurn |
Objects, which are using a blend mode listed in this parameter, will be processed using the normal color conversion and no preservation of black objects will take place.
This might be appropriate for objects (with empty colorant channels), that are using certain blend mode, which are using these empty channels to achieve a special effect with underlying objects.
If these empty channels would be replaced by a single colorant color space, these effects would not work anymore, so they must be preserved in some certain cases.
Please see article "Processing black objects" for further details.
- RGBGraph-R_eq_G_eq_B_is_Black
- RGBImage-R_eq_G_eq_B_is_Black
NoChange |
Convert as defined for color space RGB (default) |
DeviceGray |
Use DeviceGray |
CMYK_Black |
Use DeviceCMYK Black |
Separation_Black |
Use Separation Black |
This parameter only applies to device dependent RGB color – either if the object uses DeviceRGB or if it uses ICC based RGB or CalRGB but the parameter StripSourceProfile is set to On. It only has effect if ConvertToDestination is set to On. If not set to NoChange, instead of carrying out an ICC based color conversion, RGB colors where each of the Red Green and Blue values are equal, will be converted directly to the corresponding black tint value. For images this will only have an effect if all pixels in the image have equal Red, Green and Blue values.
The color conversion engine uses an internal tolerance of 3%, this mean the differences between R and G, G and B as well as for R and B must be <=3%.
- RGBImage-R_eq_G_eq_B_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes
- RGBGraph-R_eq_G_eq_B_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes
Blend mode | Name of Blend modes to exclude from color conversion, multiple values have to be <TAB> separated, e.g.: ColorDodge ColorBurn |
Objects, which are using a blend mode listed in this parameter, will be processed using the normal color conversion and no preservation of black objects will take place.
This might be appropriate for objects (with empty colorant channels), that are using certain blend mode, which are using these empty channels to achieve a special effect with underlying objects.
If these empty channels would be replaced by a single colorant color space, these effects would not work anymore, so they must be preserved in some certain cases.
Please see article "Processing black objects" for further details.
- GrayGraph-SetGrayColorSpaceTo
- GrayImage-SetGrayColorSpaceTo
NoChange |
Convert as defined for color space Gray (default) |
DeviceGray |
Use DeviceGray |
CMYK_Black |
Use DeviceCMYK Black |
Separation_Black |
Use Separation Black |
This parameter applies to gray vector and image objects. It indicates which color space to use for gray objects after the conversion. For example, it may be necessary to encode a DeviceGray object as Separation Black object, so that overprinting also works for subjacent CMYK objects.
- Note: DeviceGray cannot overprint CMYK, even if overprint is set to true, whereas Separation Black does overprint Cyan, Magenta and Yellow once overprint is set to true.
- Note that both DeviceGray and Separation Black do overprint spot colors if overprint is set to true.
- LabGraph-a_eq_b_eq_0_is_Black
- LabImage-a_eq_b_eq_0_is_Black
NoChange |
Convert as defined for color space Lab (default) |
DeviceGray |
Use DeviceGray |
CMYK_Black |
Use DeviceCMYK Black |
Separation_Black |
Use Separation Black |
If a and b is 0 the luminosity value is directly transferred to the designated color space.
The color conversion engine uses an internal tolerance of 1%, this means the differences between L and a as well as for L and b must be <= 1%.
- LabGraph-a_eq_b_eq_0_is_Black_LimitToBlendModes
- LabImage-a_eq_b_eq_0_is_Black_LimitToBlendModes
Blend mode | Name of Blend modes to exclude from color conversion, multiple values have to be <TAB> separated, e.g.: ColorDodge ColorBurn |
Objects, which are using a blend mode listed in this parameter, will be processed using the normal color conversion and no preservation of black objects will take place.
This might be appropriate for objects (with empty colorant channels), that are using certain blend mode, which are using these empty channels to achieve a special effect with underlying objects.
If these empty channels would be replaced by a single colorant color space, these effects would not work anymore, so they must be preserved in some certain cases.
Please see article "Processing black objects" for further details.
- CMYKGraph-HandleProcessColorInDeviceN_SeparationAsDeviceCMYK
- CMYKImage-HandleProcessColorInDeviceN_SeparationAsDeviceCMYK
Off |
Treat process colors defined in DeviceN or Separation as spot colors (default) |
On |
Treat process colors defined in DeviceN or Separation as DeviceCMYK |
This parameter defines the way process colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) in DeviceN or Separation are treated. If set to On, they are treated as DeviceCMYK objects. Not defined color channels are set to 0% in the respective color. To keep the overprint settings, the original color space (Separation or DeviceN) is recreated after the conversion if possible.
Use the AdvancedColorConversion parameters to define the treatment of newly added color channels.
- CMYKGraph-AdvancedColorConversion_Primaries
- CMYKImage-AdvancedColorConversion_Primaries
Off |
No special treatment for objects using only one colorant (not K) (default) |
AdjustDotGain |
Apply dot gain difference |
KeepZeroChannels |
Restores zero channels after conversion |
If set to Off, tints in colorants that were originally 0 are preserved. If necessary, new channels will be added for DeviceN (Separation color space becomes DeviceN after the conversion). With AdjustDotGain the dot gain difference between source and destination profile is calcuated and all color values are modified so that the dot gain difference is compensated. This is usefull mainly for standard PCS conversions. KeepZeroChannels causes all channels which were 0 before the conversion to be set back to 0. This might lead to a color shift.
- CMYKGraph-AdvancedColorConversion_Secondaries
- CMYKImage-AdvancedColorConversion_Secondaries
Off |
No special treatment for objects using only two colorants (default) |
AdjustDotGain |
Apply dot gain difference |
KeepZeroChannels |
Restores zero channels after conversion |
Same as AdvancedColorConversion_Primaries but for all objects using exactly two colorants of CMYK.
- CMYKGraph-AdvancedColorConversion_Tertiaries
- CMYKImage-AdvancedColorConversion_Tertiaries
Off |
No special treatment for objects using only three colorants (default) |
AdjustDotGain |
Apply dot gain difference |
KeepZeroChannels |
Restores zero channels after conversion |
Same as AdvancedColorConversion_Primaries but for all objects using exactly three colorants of CMYK.
- CMYKGraph-AdvancedColorConversion_All
- CMYKImage-AdvancedColorConversion_All
Off |
No special treatment for objects using all four colorants (default) |
AdjustDotGain |
Apply dot gain difference |
Same as AdvancedColorConversion_Primaries but for all objects using all channels of CMYK (none of the channels is zero).
- GrayGraph-AdvancedColorConversion
- GrayImage-AdvancedColorConversion
Off |
Convert as defined for color space Gray (default) |
AdjustDotGain |
Apply dot gain difference |
Same as AdvancedColorConversion_Primaries but for all black objects. Black objects are using only the K channel of CMYK or DeviceGray or Separation Black or DeviceN with only one channel named Black.
- Destination-CompressionMethod
KeepCompressionMethod |
Keep compression method of original (default) Also "0" can be used instead of the string |
AllToZip |
All to Zip Also "1" can be used instead of the string |
AllToJpeg |
All to Jpeg Also "2" can be used instead of the string |
Specifies the method for recompression of converted images.
- Note: All processed images are decompressed for color conversion tasks. If recompressing with JPEG the quality level is to be defined with the parameter
. Please keep in mind that every JPEG compression leads to the loss of quality.
- Destination-JPEGQuality
0..100 (Highest image quality: 100) |
(default value: 80) |
Allows for specifying the quality level in which JPEG objects are saved after the conversion.
- Note: The given value is interpreted as a percentage declaration between 0 and 100. Following you find the possible values and the equivalent setting in Adobe Photoshop:
20 |
Minimum |
40 |
Low |
60 |
Medium |
80 |
High |
100 |
Maximum |
Other values are not supported and will be treated like the next higher supported value.
- Destination-SetTransparencyBlendSpaceToDest
LeaveUnchanged |
Leaves transparency blend color space unchanged |
DestWithProfile |
Sets destination color space as transparency blend color space |
DestWithoutProfile |
Sets destination color space as transparency blend color space; if destination color space is ICC based, the respective device color space is set as transparency blend color space |
DestWithoutProfileIfMatchingOut-putIntent |
Sets destination color space as transparency blend color space; if destination color space is ICC based and the output intent matches the destination profile, the respective device color space is set as transparency blend color space |
Allows for specifying the transparency blend color space after the color conversion.