Overview Quick Fixes with corresponding Fixups

The table below provides an overview of all Quick Fixes available in pdfToolbox, along with their corresponding Fixup (if available). 

While Quick Fixes offer a faster solution for certain PDF modifications, Fixups offer more flexibility and customization. So when both options exist for the same functionality, the choice depends on whether speed or customization is the priority.

Quick Fix Fixup
Adjust pages tree -
Adjust spot colors Map spot and process colors
Apply 2D transformation matrix to page content  
Apply Rotate key Rotate pages
Auto-correct page geometry boxes Auto-correct page geometry boxes
Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8 Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8
Distribute from XObjects on layers -
Duplicate pages -
Embed Output Intent Embed Output Intent
Embed Output Intent on page level Embed Output Intent on page level
Embed Output Intent with specified parameters Embed Output Intent with specified parameters 
Embed Output Intent with specified parameters on page level Embed Output Intent with specified parameters on page level
Enlarge pages Enlarge pages
Flip pages Flip pages
Inject DPart -
Insert empty page Insert page 
Invert page order -
JavaScript based configuration Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups
Merge spot colors Map spot and process colors
Remove all Output Intents Remove all Output Intents
Remove page geometry boxes Remove page geometry boxes
Remove page level Output Intents Remove page level Output Intents 
Remove pages Remove pages
Rename spot colors Map spot and process colors
Reorder pages -
Resave PDF -
Rotate pages Rotate pages
Scale page content only Scale page content only
Scale pages Scale pages
Search and replace text -
Set MediaBox to origin Set MediaBox to origin
Set Processing Steps metadata for layer Add Processing Steps layer metadata 
Set layer visibility Set layer initial visibility state
Set page geometry box Set page geometry boxes
Set page geometry box by dimensions Set page geometry boxes