Step by step - Learn how to use callas products
1. Installation, activation, deactivation, updates 15
- 1.1 Installation of pdfToolbox Desktop or Server on Mac
- 1.2 Installation of pdfToolbox Desktop or Server on Windows
- 1.3 Activation and Deactivation of pdfToolbox
- 1.4 Multi-user system (Activating additional users on the same system)
- 1.5 Migrating the pdfToolbox to another computer (Deactivation)
- 1.6 Uninstalling the pdfToolbox Acrobat plug-in
- 1.7 Change language of user interface (desktop only)
- 1.8 Using pdfToolbox and Preflight in Acrobat Pro parallel
- 1.9 Notifications about available updates
- 1.10 Update path to pdfToolbox CLI in Switch when installing new version of pdfToolbox
- 1.11 Run as a service (Windows)
- 1.12 Create a Daemon using Mac
- 1.13 Run as an autostart systemd service (Linux)
- 1.14 System paths for preferences
- 1.15 How to upload large files to support
2. callas pdfToolbox Basics 21
- 2.1 Preferences
- 2.2 Profiles, Checks, Fixups, Process Plans and Libraries
- 2.3 Checks and Fixups
- 2.4 Duplicate and edit Checks and Fixups
- 2.5 Creating Profiles
- 2.6 Creating Profiles (up to pdfToolbox 15)
- 2.7 Duplicate and edit Profiles
- 2.8 Protect Profiles, Checks, Fixups, Process Plans and Libraries against changes
- 2.9 Running a Profile and examining results
- 2.10 Export Profiles to a previous pdfToolbox version
- 2.11 Actions in pdfToolbox
- 2.12 Syntax Checks
- 2.13 Examining page content
- 2.14 Requirements for conversions to PDF
- 2.15 Add your own Output Intents
- 2.16 Checking the ISO standards using callas Desktop products
- 2.17 Compatibility between pdfToolbox and Acrobat
- 2.18 Deleting multiple Fixups or Checks at once
- 2.19 Automatic optimization of PDFs
- 2.20 Keyboard shortcuts and additional Hotkeys
- 2.21 Page selector and Split scheme
3. Process Plans in detail 11
- 3.1 When Profiles are not enough: Process Plans
- 3.2 Process Plans: tips and tricks
- 3.3 Using Quick Check as a step in a Process Plan
- 3.4 Process Plan step "Create PDF copy"
- 3.5 Process Plan step "File pick up"
- 3.6 Process Plan step "Rename"
- 3.7 Process Plan step "Add files"
- 3.8 Using Process Plans in Process Plans
- 3.9 Switch on/off a Process Plan step via a Variable
- 3.10 Modifying the result (return code) of a Process Plan with the Check property "Create a hit (or not)"
- 3.11 Modifying structures in a Process Plan
5. Actions and their use in callas' products 2
7. Color conversion 17
- 7.1 Color conversion overview
- 7.2 Setting up a "Convert colors" Fixup
- 7.3 Convert colors: Advanced settings (previously "Policies")
- 7.4 Policies (deprecated, available till v10.2)
- 7.5 Processing black objects with Advanced settings (v11.0)
- 7.6 Processing black objects (deprecated, available till v10.2)
- 7.7 Convert colors to PSO Coated v3 (ECI)
- 7.8 Adjust tone values and apply gradation curve to selected objects
- 7.9 How to convert CMYK in DeviceN to DeviceCMYK
- 7.10 DeviceLink conversion
- 7.11 Use included DeviceLink profile to convert ISO Coated v2 ↔ PSO Coated v3 (ECI)
- 7.12 Replace existing ICC profile
- 7.13 Convert spot color names to UTF-8
- 7.14 Update all spot colors in a PDF using a spot color Swatch library
- 7.15 Internal spot color library
- 7.16 Convert RGB to CMYK using custom tolerance for gray (v11.0)
- 7.17 Extract CMYK from DeviceN
8. PDF/X-5 and n-channel color 4
10. Spotify - Derive spot colors from content (v11.0) 4
12. Images 2
13. Prepare PDF documents for production 12
- 13.1 Generate bleed from page content
- 13.2 Generate bleed for irregular shapes
- 13.3 Check and fix bleed
- 13.4 Create a dieline and bleed for irregular shapes (v11.0)
- 13.5 Create a dieline and bleed for irregular shapes with gaps in outer border (v11.0)
- 13.6 Change page size with the help of the “Set page geometry boxes” Fixup
- 13.7 Outline page geometry boxes in a specified tint value of a spot color
- 13.8 Create pre-separated pages
- 13.9 How to 'Split or reorder' PDF
- 13.10 Create white underlays for printing on transparent foil using "Create spot color plate based on ink amount"
- 13.11 Derive spot color from softmasks
- 13.12 Ink coverage Check properties
15. Variable Data Print (VDP) 4
17. Variables and JavaScript, Ask-at-runtime dialog 27
- 17.1 Simple variables
- 17.2 Using Variables for resources
- 17.3 Variables using JavaScript: Overview
- 17.4 JavaScript in pdfToolbox: Custom data objects and methods
- 17.5 Interpretation of the app.requires values
- 17.6 Using variables in a property - The TrimBox example
- 17.7 Extracting information from an XML Report file via XPath
- 17.8 Using an external JSON jobticket file
- 17.9 Defining variables using app.requires with closed choice of allowed values
- 17.10 Process pages differently in a Process Plan using a Check and JavaScript
- 17.11 Using "trigger" values to adjust processing in a Process Plan
- 17.12 How to branch processing in a Process Plan using JavaScript
- 17.13 Debugging JavaScript Variables
- 17.14 Use RegEx in variables
- 17.15 Using object coordinates from a hit in a Process Plan
- 17.16 Map (spot and process) colors using script variables
- 17.17 Ask-at-runtime Dialog: Introduction
- 17.18 Adjust ask-at-runtime dialog
- 17.19 Working with ask-at-runtime templates
- 17.20 Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups
- 17.21 Referencing resources in arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups
- 17.22 Using JavaScript for pop up values in "Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups"
- 17.23 Using JavaScript in an (apply to) filter
- 17.24 Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Checks
- 17.25 Execute external application via JavaScript function
- 17.26 Autocomplete while writing JavaScript
- 17.27 Editing JavaScript in Visual Studio Code
18. Advanced configuration of Profiles 3
19. Reports for Profiles 10
- 19.1 PDF reports (using masks or layers)
- 19.2 HTML based custom reports
- 19.3 HTML based custom reports – generate optional information
- 19.4 HTML based custom reports – control custom parameters via JavaScript
- 19.5 Dump variables report (using JSON)
- 19.6 Command line options for multi-language support
- 19.7 Modify strings for internal syntax checks using Custom Dicts
- 19.8 XML report: Convert pt to mm
- 19.9 JSON report – based on JS object
- 19.10 JSON report – similar to XML report
20. Place content 14
- 20.1 Place dynamic page numbers
- 20.2 Place dynamic text
- 20.3 Place individual text per page
- 20.4 Place barcodes and matrix codes
- 20.5 Place any content: Basics (“Place Content” via HTML templates
- 20.6 Place any content: Preparation
- 20.7 Place any content: Positioning content
- 20.8 Place any content: Simple example placing content in the upper left
- 20.9 Using Variables in a Place Content HTML template to place text
- 20.10 Place any content: Use information about the PDF document
- 20.11 Place barcode: Using an HTML-template for an extended configuration
- 20.12 Advanced 2D code use cases
- 20.13 Place content transparently or opaquely
- 20.14 Overview of pdfChip versions in pdfToolbox
22. Optical character recognition (OCR) 3
23. Barcode recognition 3
24. Context aware object detection: Sifter 25
- 24.1 Beyond classic preflighting: Context aware object detection (Sifter)
- 24.2 Finding the right "Context aware object detection" property
- 24.3 Proximity: Object reaches into edge area of a shape
- 24.4 Proximity: Object crosses shape
- 24.5 Proximity: Objects close to each other
- 24.6 Above versus below: Object on top of other object(s)
- 24.7 Above versus below: Object not on top of any other object
- 24.8 Above versus below: Object below other object
- 24.9 Above versus below: Object not below any other object
- 24.10 Above versus below: Object covers other object
- 24.11 Above versus below: Object covered by other object
- 24.12 Inside versus outside: Object inside other object
- 24.13 Inside versus outside: Object outside other object
- 24.14 Inside versus outside: Object inside shape
- 24.15 Inside versus outside: Object outside shape
- 24.16 Inside versus outside: Object crosses other object
- 24.17 Visibility: Object is invisible
- 24.18 Visibility: Object is visible
- 24.19 Visibility: Object is partially obliterated
- 24.20 Visibility: Object is completely obliterated
- 24.21 Visibility: Object is partially clipped
- 24.22 Visibility: Object is completely clipped
- 24.23 Advanced "Context aware object detection" property
- 24.24 "Shapes" Property for use in "Context aware object detection" checks
- 24.25 How to debug Sifter Checks and see their results
25. Processing Steps 10
- 25.1 Design and more
- 25.2 Using metadata for standardisation
- 25.3 Working with processing steps metadata for a layer
- 25.4 Predefined "Processing Steps" library
- 25.5 Checking processing steps information
- 25.6 Fixing processing steps data
- 25.7 Overview of predefined groups and types for processing steps
- 25.8 Configurable Checks and Fixups for Processing Steps
- 25.9 Split PDFs based on Processing Steps
- 25.10 Index layer names if initial visibility or Processing Steps metadata is different
27. Interactively analyse and explore PDF documents 15
- 27.1 Visually inspect PDF files
- 27.2 Display ink coverage information for all separations
- 27.3 View ink coverage per separation
- 27.4 View safety zone in PDF
- 27.5 Heat map for «Out of gamut» visualization
- 27.6 Object Inspector – Examining page content
- 27.7 Examining page content: Filter in the Object Inspector
- 27.8 Compare documents
- 27.9 Log comparison based information
- 27.10 Explore Metadata
- 27.11 Explore Layers
- 27.12 Explore PDF
- 27.13 Explore Fonts
- 27.14 Explore tagging
- 27.15 XMP Metadata reports
28. Quick Check 8
- 28.1 Quick Check – Introduction
- 28.2 Using Quick Check as a step in a Process Plan
- 28.3 Quick Check configuration syntax
- 28.4 All "aggregated" Quick Check objects and output
- 28.5 "direct" data structures and output
- 28.6 "status" data structure and output
- 28.7 Using Quick Check directly on the command line
- 28.8 Error codes and Return codes for Quick Check Results
30. Impose 17
- 30.1 Imposition overview
- 30.2 Building blocks of an Impose configuration
- 30.3 Controlling the imposition process
- 30.4 Runlist
- 30.5 Token Engine
- 30.6 Token and Variables for dynamic imposition
- 30.7 Using variables defined in command line calls
- 30.8 Creating an Imposition configuration
- 30.9 Editor and debugger for Imposition configuration files
- 30.10 Dynamic imposition
- 30.11 Add sheet sizes for imposition
- 30.12 Create Booklet
- 30.13 JavaScript based imposition runlists
- 30.14 Use of JavaScript runlists
- 30.15 JavaScript runlist object definitions
- 30.16 JavaScript runlist convenience functions
- 30.17 Shingling
31. Downloadable and adjustable solutions 6
- 31.1 Process Plan: Color picker to derive a specific color
- 31.2 Process Plan: Determine text in custom area
- 31.3 Process Plan: Extract text using OCR
- 31.4 Process Plan: Scale page excluding Processing Steps
- 31.5 Process Plan: Create bookmarks from headings
- 31.6 Process Plan: Use QR Codes to place icons and link annotations
32. callas pdfToolbox CLI (command line interface) 28
- 32.1 Introduction to pdfToolbox CLI
- 32.2 Installation and activation of pdfToolbox Server/CLI
- 32.3 Hints and troubleshooting & Displaying program information
- 32.4 Processing
- 32.5 Using Profiles
- 32.6 General command line options
- 32.7 Converting office documents to PDF or PDF/A
- 32.8 Additional command line options and response files
- 32.9 Creating a report using Profiles
- 32.10 Enumerate Profiles
- 32.11 Results (Return codes, Error codes and Reason codes)
- 32.12 Commands related to Arrange
- 32.13 Commands related to Large format printing
- 32.14 Commands related to Present
- 32.15 Commands related to Document
- 32.16 Command to add bookmark structure
- 32.17 Commands related to Colors
- 32.18 Commands related to Layers
- 32.19 Commands related to Reports
- 32.20 DeviceLink Conversion
- 32.21 Run as a Server
- 32.22 Distributed Processing
- 32.23 Running pdfToolbox via Webservices (SOAP)
- 32.24 Activating logging
- 32.25 Predefined Profiles
- 32.26 Modifying structure of bookmarks and DPart
- 32.27 Handling Licensing through the License Server
- 32.28 Creating ZUGFeRD / Factur-X invoices
33. Using pdfToolbox in cloud environments 3
35. Server 7
- 35.1 Introduction to pdfToolbox Server
- 35.2 Connect with Remote Server
- 35.3 Job settings
- 35.4 Using Job Tickets
- 35.5 Sidecar files and their use when processing files with a Server-Job
- 35.6 How to upgrade pdfToolbox Server successfully (without losing server jobs)?
- 35.7 pdfToolbox Server integration in automation systems (Switch, FileTrain)