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callas pdfToolbox
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Apply transformation matrix
Updated on: Mar 18, 2025
callas pdfToolbox
Quick Fix
Apply transformation matrix
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1. Installation, activation, deactivation, updates
1.1 Installation of pdfToolbox Desktop or Server on Mac
1.2 Installation of pdfToolbox Desktop or Server on Windows
1.3 Activation and Deactivation of pdfToolbox
1.4 Multi-user system (Activating additional users on the same system)
1.5 Migrating the pdfToolbox to another computer (Deactivation)
1.6 Uninstalling the pdfToolbox Acrobat plug-in
1.7 Change language of user interface (desktop only)
1.8 Using pdfToolbox and Preflight in Acrobat Pro parallel
1.9 Notifications about available updates
1.10 Update path to pdfToolbox CLI in Switch when installing new version of pdfToolbox
1.11 Run as a service (Windows)
1.12 Create a Daemon using Mac
1.13 Run as an autostart systemd service (Linux)
1.14 System paths for preferences
1.15 How to upload large files to support
2. callas pdfToolbox Basics
2.1 Preferences
2.2 Profiles, Checks, Fixups, Process Plans and Libraries
2.3 Checks and Fixups
2.4 Duplicate and edit Checks and Fixups
2.5 Creating Profiles
2.6 Creating Profiles (up to pdfToolbox 15)
2.7 Duplicate and edit Profiles
2.8 Protect Profiles, Checks, Fixups, Process Plans and Libraries against changes
2.9 Running a Profile and examining results
2.10 Export Profiles to a previous pdfToolbox version
2.11 Actions in pdfToolbox
2.12 Syntax Checks
2.13 Examining page content
2.14 Requirements for conversions to PDF
2.15 Add your own Output Intents
2.16 Checking the ISO standards using callas Desktop products
2.17 Compatibility between pdfToolbox and Acrobat
2.18 Deleting multiple Fixups or Checks at once
2.19 Automatic optimization of PDFs
2.20 Keyboard shortcuts and additional Hotkeys
2.21 Page selector and Split scheme
3. Process Plans in detail
3.1 When Profiles are not enough: Process Plans
3.2 Process Plans: tips and tricks
3.3 Using Quick Check as a step in a Process Plan
3.4 Process Plan step "Create PDF copy"
3.5 Process Plan step "File pick up"
3.6 Process Plan step "Rename"
3.7 Process Plan step "Add files"
3.8 Using Process Plans in Process Plans
3.9 Using Process Plans in Process Plans to loop over pages
3.10 Switch on/off a Process Plan step via a Variable
3.11 Modifying the result (return code) of a Process Plan with the Check property "Create a hit (or not)"
3.12 Modifying structures in a Process Plan
4. Protected Profiles and Process Plans
4.1 What are protected Profiles and Process Plans
4.2 Protecting one or more Profiles or Process Plans
4.3 Modifying one or more protected Profile or Process Plan
4.4 Unprotecting one or more Profiles or Process Plans
5. Actions and their use in callas' products
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Where do actions live
5.3 Modify images
5.4 Create file (from process plan)
6. Libraries
6.1 Libraries - Overview
6.2 Create new, Manage, Import or Export Libraries
6.3 Search in or across Libraries
7. Color conversion
7.1 Color conversion overview
7.2 Setting up a "Convert colors" Fixup
7.3 Convert colors: Advanced settings (previously "Policies")
7.4 Policies (deprecated, available till v10.2)
7.5 Processing black objects with Advanced settings (v11.0)
7.6 Processing black objects (deprecated, available till v10.2)
7.7 Convert colors to PSO Coated v3 (ECI)
7.8 Adjust tone values and apply gradation curve to selected objects
7.9 How to convert CMYK in DeviceN to DeviceCMYK
7.10 DeviceLink conversion
7.11 Use included DeviceLink profile to convert ISO Coated v2 ↔ PSO Coated v3 (ECI)
7.12 Replace existing ICC profile
7.13 Convert spot color names to UTF-8
7.14 Update all spot colors in a PDF using a spot color Swatch library
7.15 Internal spot color library
7.16 Convert RGB to CMYK using custom tolerance for gray (v11.0)
7.17 Extract CMYK from DeviceN
8. PDF/X-5 and n-channel color
8.1 Color convert with n-channel ICC profiles
8.2 Convert to PDF/X-5n
8.3 Validate against PDF/X-5n standard
8.4 Softproof PDF/X-5n files
9. Spectral color and CxF
9.1 Introduction: CxF and spectral data
9.2 Embed CxF data (import)
9.3 Extract and remove CxF information
9.4 Analyze CxF information
10. Spotify - Derive spot colors from content (v11.0)
10.1 Why Spotify?
10.2 How does Spotify work
10.3 Spotify in callas pdfToolbox
10.4 Spotify parameters
11. Fonts and Text
11.1 Embedding fonts
11.2 Embedding fonts: Font substitution file
11.3 Subset Fonts
11.4 Unembed all fonts
11.5 Convert fonts to outlines
11.6 Convert Type 3 fonts to outlines (10.2)
11.7 Search text
12. Images
12.1 Resample to JPEG2000
12.2 Upsample/downsample images
13. Prepare PDF documents for production
13.1 Generate bleed from page content
13.2 Generate bleed for irregular shapes
13.3 Check and fix bleed
13.4 Create a dieline and bleed for irregular shapes (v11.0)
13.5 Create a dieline and bleed for irregular shapes with gaps in outer border (v11.0)
13.6 Change page size with the help of the “Set page geometry boxes” Fixup
13.7 Outline page geometry boxes in a specified tint value of a spot color
13.8 Create pre-separated pages
13.9 How to 'Split or reorder' PDF
13.10 Create white underlays for printing on transparent foil using "Create spot color plate based on ink amount"
13.11 Derive spot color from softmasks
13.12 Ink coverage Check properties
14. Large format
14.1 Adding grommets using a Fixup
14.2 Add ink layer
14.3 Adding grommets
14.4 Tiling
14.5 Add borders
14.6 Add bleed
14.7 Create pole pocket banner
14.8 Smart resolution to limit memory consumption
15. Variable Data Print (VDP)
15.1 Create VDP files from PDF templates
15.2 Fast VDP mode
15.3 DPart metadata injection
15.4 Distribute form XObjects on layers
16. Debugging of Profiles and Process plans
16.1 Why a test mode?
16.2 How to use test mode
16.3 Purpose of logging feature
16.4 Activating logging
16.5 How to create a detailed log when executing Process Plans (or Profiles, Checks or Fixups)
16.6 The JSON log files
17. Variables and JavaScript, Ask-at-runtime dialog
17.1 Simple variables
17.2 Using Variables for resources
17.3 Variables using JavaScript: Overview
17.4 JavaScript in pdfToolbox: Custom data objects and methods
17.5 Interpretation of the app.requires values
17.6 Using variables in a property - The TrimBox example
17.7 Extracting information from an XML Report file via XPath
17.8 Using an external JSON jobticket file
17.9 Defining variables using app.requires with closed choice of allowed values
17.10 Process pages differently in a Process Plan using a Check and JavaScript
17.11 Using "trigger" values to adjust processing in a Process Plan
17.12 How to branch processing in a Process Plan using JavaScript
17.13 Debugging JavaScript Variables
17.14 Use RegEx in variables
17.15 Using object coordinates from a hit in a Process Plan
17.16 Map (spot and process) colors using script variables
17.17 Ask-at-runtime Dialog: Introduction
17.18 Adjust ask-at-runtime dialog
17.19 Working with ask-at-runtime templates
17.20 Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups
17.21 Referencing resources in arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups
17.22 Using JavaScript for pop up values in "Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups"
17.23 Using JavaScript in an (apply to) filter
17.24 Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Checks
17.25 Execute external application via JavaScript function
17.26 Autocomplete while writing JavaScript
17.27 Editing JavaScript in Visual Studio Code
18. Advanced configuration of Profiles
18.1 Boolean logic and conditions in preflight checks
18.2 Combining different checks to solve complex problems
18.3 Negating Check results
19. Reports for Profiles
19.1 PDF reports (using masks or layers)
19.2 HTML based custom reports
19.3 HTML based custom reports – generate optional information
19.4 HTML based custom reports – control custom parameters via JavaScript
19.5 Dump variables report (using JSON)
19.6 Command line options for multi-language support
19.7 Modify strings for internal syntax checks using Custom Dicts
19.8 XML report: Convert pt to mm
19.9 JSON report – based on JS object
19.10 JSON report – similar to XML report
20. Place content
20.1 Place dynamic page numbers
20.2 Place dynamic text
20.3 Place individual text per page
20.4 Place barcodes and matrix codes
20.5 Place any content: Basics (“Place Content” via HTML templates
20.6 Place any content: Preparation
20.7 Place any content: Positioning content
20.8 Place any content: Simple example placing content in the upper left
20.9 Using Variables in a Place Content HTML template to place text
20.10 Place any content: Use information about the PDF document
20.11 Place barcode: Using an HTML-template for an extended configuration
20.12 Advanced 2D code use cases
20.13 Place content transparently or opaquely
20.14 Overview of pdfChip versions in pdfToolbox
21. Shapes
21.1 Shapes: An overview
21.2 Defining shapes
21.3 Applying shapes
21.4 Extended "Shapes" features
21.5 Efficiently creating varnish or white background (requires at least v9.1)
21.6 Use shapes to visualize small distances between objects or inside of outlined objects
22. Optical character recognition (OCR)
22.1 Create invisible text via OCR
22.2 OCR support for additional languages
22.3 Partial OCR (filtering page content)
23. Barcode recognition
23.1 Find barcodes
23.2 Supported Barcode symbologies
23.3 Read Barcode or Matrix code and determine properties
24. Context aware object detection: Sifter
24.1 Beyond classic preflighting: Context aware object detection (Sifter)
24.2 Finding the right "Context aware object detection" property
24.3 Proximity: Object reaches into edge area of a shape
24.4 Proximity: Object crosses shape
24.5 Proximity: Objects close to each other
24.6 Above versus below: Object on top of other object(s)
24.7 Above versus below: Object not on top of any other object
24.8 Above versus below: Object below other object
24.9 Above versus below: Object not below any other object
24.10 Above versus below: Object covers other object
24.11 Above versus below: Object covered by other object
24.12 Inside versus outside: Object inside other object
24.13 Inside versus outside: Object outside other object
24.14 Inside versus outside: Object inside shape
24.15 Inside versus outside: Object outside shape
24.16 Inside versus outside: Object crosses other object
24.17 Visibility: Object is invisible
24.18 Visibility: Object is visible
24.19 Visibility: Object is partially obliterated
24.20 Visibility: Object is completely obliterated
24.21 Visibility: Object is partially clipped
24.22 Visibility: Object is completely clipped
24.23 Advanced "Context aware object detection" property
24.24 "Shapes" Property for use in "Context aware object detection" checks
24.25 How to debug Sifter Checks and see their results
25. Processing Steps
25.1 Design and more
25.2 Using metadata for standardisation
25.3 Working with processing steps metadata for a layer
25.4 Predefined "Processing Steps" library
25.5 Checking processing steps information
25.6 Fixing processing steps data
25.7 Overview of predefined groups and types for processing steps
25.8 Configurable Checks and Fixups for Processing Steps
25.9 Split PDFs based on Processing Steps
25.10 Index layer names if initial visibility or Processing Steps metadata is different
26. PDF 2.0 in prepress
26.1 Check for print and prepress related PDF 2.0 features
26.2 Display DPart metadata
26.3 Use DPart metadata in a Process Plan via QuickCheck
26.4 DPart metadata injection
27. Interactively analyse and explore PDF documents
27.1 Visually inspect PDF files
27.2 Display ink coverage information for all separations
27.3 View ink coverage per separation
27.4 View safety zone in PDF
27.5 Heat map for «Out of gamut» visualization
27.6 Object Inspector – Examining page content
27.7 Examining page content: Filter in the Object Inspector
27.8 Compare documents
27.9 Log comparison based information
27.10 Explore Metadata
27.11 Explore Layers
27.12 Explore PDF
27.13 Explore Fonts
27.14 Explore tagging
27.15 XMP Metadata reports
27.16 Analyze the space usage of a PDF
28. Quick Check
28.1 Quick Check – Introduction
28.2 Using Quick Check as a step in a Process Plan
28.3 Quick Check configuration syntax
28.4 All "aggregated" Quick Check objects and output
28.5 "direct" data structures and output
28.6 "status" data structure and output
28.7 Using Quick Check directly on the command line
28.8 Error codes and Return codes for Quick Check Results
29. Quick Fix
29.1 Quick Fix overview
29.2 Overview Quick Fixes with corresponding Fixups
29.3 Quick Fix configuration essentials: String comparison operators and page selection expressions
29.4 Quick Fix features
29.5 Using Quick Fix on the command line
29.6 Reorder pages using Quick Fix
29.7 JavaScript based configuration Quick Fix
29.8 Apply transformation matrix
30. Imposition
30.1 Overview of imposition in pdfToolbox
30.2 Simple imposition - how to use
30.3 Simple imposition - available methods
30.4 Simple imposition - defining sheet sizes
30.5 Getting started with imposition configurations
30.6 Imposition configuration terminology - general
30.7 Imposition configuration terminology - shingling
30.8 Imposition configuration editing and debugging
30.9 Getting imposed sheet information after imposition
30.10 JavaScript imposition - getting started
30.11 JavaScript imposition - building an imposition configuration
30.12 JavaScript imposition - step by step examples
30.13 JavaScript imposition - inserting imposition snippets
30.14 JavaScript imposition - convenience functions
30.15 JavaScript imposition - object definitions
30.16 JavaScript imposition - using Place Content during imposition
30.17 Old-style imposition - building blocks
30.18 Old-style imposition - controlling the process
30.19 Old-style imposition - runlists
30.20 Old-style imposition - token engine
30.21 Old-style imposition - an example imposition configuration
30.22 Old-style imposition - using variables during imposition
30.23 Old-style imposition - creating variable-size impositions
31. Downloadable and adjustable solutions
31.1 Process Plan: Color picker to derive a specific color
31.2 Process Plan: Determine text in custom area
31.3 Process Plan: Extract text using OCR
31.4 Process Plan: Scale page excluding Processing Steps
31.5 Process Plan: Create bookmarks from headings
31.6 Process Plan: Use QR Codes to place icons and link annotations
32. callas pdfToolbox CLI (command line interface)
32.1 Introduction to pdfToolbox CLI
32.2 Installation and activation of pdfToolbox Server/CLI
32.3 Hints and troubleshooting & Displaying program information
32.4 Processing
32.5 Using Profiles
32.6 General command line options
32.7 Converting office documents to PDF or PDF/A
32.8 Additional command line options and response files
32.9 Creating a report using Profiles
32.10 Enumerate Profiles
32.11 Results (Return codes, Error codes and Reason codes)
32.12 Commands related to Arrange
32.13 Commands related to Large format printing
32.14 Commands related to Present
32.15 Commands related to Document
32.16 Command to add bookmark structure
32.17 Commands related to Colors
32.18 Commands related to Layers
32.19 Commands related to Reports
32.20 DeviceLink Conversion
32.21 Run as a Server
32.22 Distributed Processing
32.23 Running pdfToolbox via Webservices (SOAP)
32.24 Activating logging
32.25 Predefined Profiles
32.26 Modifying structure of bookmarks and DPart
32.27 Handling Licensing through the License Server
32.28 Creating ZUGFeRD / Factur-X invoices
33. Using pdfToolbox in cloud environments
33.1 Using the callas pdfToolbox CLI Docker Image from Docker Hub
33.2 Using the License Server
33.3 Create your own pdfToolbox Docker images from scratch
34. callas pdfToolbox SDK
34.1 Activation and Deactivation of pdfToolbox SDK
34.2 callas pdfEngine SDK: First steps
34.3 Help? Displaying program information for pdfToolbox SDK
34.4 File components and their use in the SDK
34.5 .Net Core migration guide
34.6 Predefined Profiles
35. Server
35.1 Introduction to pdfToolbox Server
35.2 Connect with Remote Server
35.3 Job settings
35.4 Using Job Tickets
35.5 Sidecar files and their use when processing files with a Server-Job
35.6 How to upgrade pdfToolbox Server successfully (without losing server jobs)?
35.7 pdfToolbox Server integration in automation systems (Switch, FileTrain)
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Set page size in pdfChip
Where do actions live
Process Plans: tips and tricks
Apply transformation matrix
Overview Quick Fixes with corresponding Fixups
Article with customisable Profile
Articles with customizable Profiles
old-style imposition
process plan
Visual Studio Code
VS Code