Spotify parameters

Quite a number of parameters control how Spotify operates. The degree to which these parameters are accessible and can be configured varies, depending on the context where the Spotify functionality is used. The Spotify Switchboard action only offers access to two parameters: number of spot colors to create, and whether and which spot color library to work against. The Spotify fixup, the Spotify Inspector and the Spotify mode available on the command line on the other hand offer access to all or most parameters. There are a few parameters to which access is only provided on the command line, as they only can be put to good use in command line mode. Below a list of all parameter descriptions can be found.


Number of iterations for color means detection (default: 3)

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: “KMeans:” → “Iterations”

Spotify fixup: “Number of iterations for color means detection”

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --iterations

Max. runs

Maximum number of runs inside one iteration for color means detection (default: 10)

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --maxruns


Resolution in ppi (pixels per inch) (default: 72) or "Width x Height" in pixel

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Resolution

Spotify fixup: Resolution in ppi

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --resolution

Max. samples

Maximum number of data points to be used by KMeans algorithm. Only has an effect if the number of pixels to be processed (possibly already constrained by --resolution) exceeds this value. Data points are selected randomly.

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Max samples

Spotify fixup: Maximum number of data points to be used by KMeans algorithm.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --maxsamples

Alpha threshold

Alpha threshold. Pixels with alpha < threshold are ignored. An alpha value of 0 means fully transparent, and a value of 255 means fully opaque (default: 0)

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Ignore pixels with alpha below threshold

Spotify fixup: Alpha threshold - pixels with alpha below threshold are ignored

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --alphathreshold

White threshold

White threshold. Pixels with distance to white below threshold are ignored. If value is negative the threshold is applied to gray instead of RGB (default: 10).

For threshold values prepended with a minus sign, computation is done via a gray value derived by the formula YCbCr Luma = 0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b, values can range from 0 to 255 (for the comparison, the minus sign is actually discarded).

For threshold values not prepended by a minus sign, the comparison is done based on the L component of the Lab value of the color against an L value of 100 for white. Values can thus range from 0 to 100.

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Ignore pixels with distance to white below threshold

Spotify fixup: White threshold - pixels with distance to white below threshold are ignored

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --whitethreshold

Black threshold

Pixels with distance to black below threshold are mapped to black (default: 0)

Distance is computed as dE value in Lab between color value and a Lab value of 0,0,0 for black.

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --blackthreshold

Gray threshold

Pixels with distance to gray below threshold are mapped to gray (default: 0)

Computation is done based on the a and b components of the Lab value: a < threshold && b < threshold. Values can thus range from 0 to 128.

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --graythreshold

Color threshold

Colors with distance to other color below threshold are ignored (default: 20). Distance is computed as dE value in Lab.

Spotify Switchboard action:

Spotify inspector: dE Threshold

Spotify fixup: Colors with distance to other color below threshold are ignored

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --colorthreshold

Number of spot colors as result

Number of spot colors to create (default: 2)

Spotify Switchboard action: Number of spot colors

Spotify inspector: Colors

Spotify fixup: Number of spot colors

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --colors

Number of spot colors for analysis

Number of color means used as basis for color selection (default: 10)

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Colors → out of

Spotify fixup: Number of color means used as basis for color selection

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --colormeans

Spot color library

Use colors from an Adobe color book file (*.acb or *.aco) or JSON format (*.json) and match colors to nearest colors from color book

Spotify Switchboard action: Use spot color library → Library popup menu

Spotify inspector: Match colors → checkbox and popup menu

Spotify fixup: Use spot color library → Spot color library popup menu

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --spotcolorlibrary

Number of gray colors

Number of gray means used as basis for color selection (default: 0)

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --graymeans

Edge detection

Enable edge detection.

For more information about the edge detection kernels supported and how they work, find some useful details at and

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Enable edge detection

Spotify fixup: Enable edge detection

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --edgedetection

Edge kernel

Edge kernel to use (default: sobel):

  • laplace; 3x3 Laplace operator with weight 4
  • laplace2; 3x3 Laplace operator with weight 8
  • log: 5x5 Laplacian of Guassian operator
  • sobel; 3x3 Sobel operator (coefficients: 1,2,1)
  • sobelopt; 3x3 Sobel operator (coefficients: 5,10,5)
  • scharr; 3x3 Scharr operator
  • canny; 3x3 Canny operator

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --edgekernel

Edge width

Edge width in pixel (default: 1)

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Enable edge detection → Width

Spotify fixup: Edge width

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --edgewidth

Edge mode

Edge fill mode (default: grow):

  • lab; fill edge pixels with color of mean with smallest distance in Lab (dE)
  • hue; fill edge pixels with color of mean with smallest distance in Hue
  • hsv; fill edge pixels with color of mean with smallest distance in HSV
  • grow; fill edge pixels with color of nearest non-edge pixel with smallest dE (default)

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --edgemode

Edge threshold

Edge threshold (default: 0)

Suitable value ranges depend on the chose edge kernel.

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: Enable edge detection → Threshold

Spotify fixup: Edge threshold

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --edgethreshold

Edge threshold 2

Edge threshold (default: 0)

This second edge threshold is used only for the Canny edge detection algorithm, for details see

Value ranges cannot easily be given since the thresholds are applied to the first or second derivation of the image brightness, thus the possible range is [0..∞]

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --edgethreshold2

Alternate color space ( --alternatecs)

Alternate color space to use for the DeviceN image in the created PDF (default: srgb):

  • rgb: Use DeviceRGB as the alternate color space for the DeviceN image in the created PDF
  • srgb: Use sRGB as the alternate color space for the DeviceN image in the created PDF
  • lab: Use Lab as the alternate color space for the DeviceN image in the created PDF  

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --alternatecs

Output (--output)

  • pdf: Create a PDF file with one page containing a single DeviceN image using spot colors
  • png: Create an RGB PNG image representing the appearance of the PDF that has been or would be created using the ‘pdf’ option.
  • json: Create a JSON formatted log file, representing the same output as seen in the log section at the bottom of the Spotify inspector window
  • blob: A binary representation of the Spotify analysis result which may be used at a later stage for creation of a PDF file as would have been created using the ‘pdf’ option.

Spotify Switchboard action: n.a.

Spotify inspector: n.a.

Spotify fixup: n.a.

Spotify mode in CLI version:  --output

Spotify via command line in this 5 minute video: