Process Plans: tips and tricks
Annotations within Process Plan
Starting with pdfToolbox 16, the Process Plan editor supports annotations to help you better document your work. The information added to the "Text" parameter is displayed within the annotation. The "Comment" parameter can be used to provide additional information that is only visible when the annotation is selected. Use the color picker to change the color of the annotation and the text. There is also an icon in the top menu bar to toggle the visibility of annotations.
Multiple selections of Process Plan steps
Starting with pdfToolbox 12.2, Process Plans allow multiple selections of steps with shift+click in order to re-arrange steps in a process plan. Move all the selected items together wich click+drag.
Move canvas
Prior to pdfToolbox 12.2, the canvas could be moved by click + drag inside the canvas. Since click + drag is now used for multiple selection of steps, the gesture for moving the canvas has been changed to SPACE + Click + Drag.
pdfToolbox 12.2 onwards, you can select Process Plan items and move them out of the canvas to allow auto-scrolling.