Check and fix bleed
pdfToolbox 11 introduces a new Process Plan for identifying and fixing bleed issues. Limitation: It will only work with PDF files where all pages have the same size.
This Process Plan is based on many years prepress experience and has been developed by calibrate ([email protected]). All JavaScripts in the Process Plan are protected and cannot be displayed.

When you start the Process Plan you are asked for:
- Required bleed
- Tolerance [%]
- Safety zone distance from TrimBox
- Unit
- Create required bleed (mirroring)
- Page type
- Spot colors to exclude (RegEx)
The first three input fields are illustrated by this diagram.

During processing pages are analyzed on all four edges. A page edge is classified as requiring bleed if
- there are objects in the "safety zone distance from TrimBox"
AND - the required bleed zone is empty or the required bleed zone is not empty but at the edge of the tolerance there are no objects
The respective page edge is then either reported or - if "Create required bleed" is selected - bleed is added via mirroring page content.
The method to add bleed can be adjusted in the Process Plan.
You can watch all this and more about 'bleed' in the video below: