Map (spot and process) colors using script variables
When you want to configure the Fixups "Map colors" and "Map spot and process colors" via JavaScript you face some problems, mainly that you can't add additional settings via JavaScript (in the UI you would use the [+] button) and that you have to predefine variable for all dynamic fields.
pdfToolbox 11 introduces two new Fixups: "Map colors using script variables" and "Map spot and process colors using script variables" that are configured with a single JSON object.
Usually you will assign a variable to it (via the orange triangle as usual) and create the value of the variable as a JSON structure according to the example in the UI.
Possible values in the JSON structure
Map spot and process colors using script variables
Name | Possible values | Corresponds to ("Map spot and process colors") |
source | ||
operator | 1 2 3 4 |
matches with RegEx does not match with RegEx equal to unequal to |
name |
<any proper string> | |
ignorecase | true false |
keepalternatecolor | true false |
destination | ||
operation | ConvertToCMYK MapOrRename KeepName ConvertToDestination |
Convert to CMYK Map or rename Change alternate color Convert to destination |
model | Automatic CMYKPercent CMYKZeroToOne GrayPercent GrayZeroToOne Lab RGBPercent RGBZeroTo255 RGBZeroToOne |
Use source color CMYK (%) CMYK (0.0...1.0) Gray (%) Gray (0.0...1.0) 0.0 is black Lab (0...100,-128...127,-128...127) RGB (%) RGB (0...255) RGB (0.0...1.0) |
name | <any proper string> |
value | array of numbers, length according to color space |
overprint | On Off Unchanged |
applyto | None Images VectorAndText |
None All images All vector and text objects |
Map colors using script variables
Name | Possible values | Corresponds to ("Map colors") |
source | ||
model | CMYKPercent CMYKZeroToOne GrayPercent GrayZeroToOne RGBPercent RGBZeroTo255 RGBZeroToOne |
CMYK (%) CMYK (0.0...1.0) Gray (%) Gray (0.0...1.0) 0.0 is black RGB (%) RGB (0...255) RGB (0.0...1.0) |
value | array of numbers, length according to color space | |
tolerance | number | |
intermediate | true false |
destination | ||
model | Automatic CMYKPercent CMYKZeroToOne GrayPercent GrayZeroToOne RGBPercent RGBZeroTo255 RGBZeroToOne |
Use source color CMYK (%) CMYK (0.0...1.0) Gray (%) Gray (0.0...1.0) 0.0 is black RGB (%) RGB (0...255) RGB (0.0...1.0) |
value | array of numbers, length according to color space |
applyto | None Images VectorAndText |
None All images All vector and text objects |
spotcolor | ||
create |
true false |
name | <any proper string> | |
tintvalue | number |
overprint | On Off Unchanged |
keepalternatecolor | true false |
Example: Convert colors using wildcards
To give an example we have created a Fixup to convert colors which allows for using a "wildcard" in one colorant. That means you could convert e.g. all colors using C50 M50 and K50 to something else, keeping all Y values as they are.
This PDF has a number of color patches, all using C75, M50, K0 and varying values for Y.

If you apply the Fixup and enter C75, M50, K0 for the input values of the respective colorants and a "?" (wildcard) for Y you can convert C,M and K to whatever values you enter (the output value for Y does not matter, the original values will be kept).
In this example we have used C0, M95, K10 for output.

One more thing:
You may as well use more than one wildcard ("?"). The problem is that it will then process much longer, in one test that we made it took roughly 30 minutes. So you should only do so if you have time...