Analyze CxF information

Analyzing CxF information in a PDF file is easily possible...

Analyzing CxF information in a PDF file is easily possible... clicking on the CxF indicator at the bottom of the window.

A windows opens that displays the CxF data for the first spot color in its XML structure

A windows opens that displays the CxF data for the first spot color in its XML structure

A pop up at the bottom of the windows allows you to select the spot color that you want to see.

It is also possible to run a profile that checks for various parameters of a PDF in combination with the embedded CxF information

It is also possible to run a profile that checks for various parameters of a PDF in combination with the embedded CxF information

Open the Profiles window and search for "CxF"

The CxF information profile "Find CxF issues"...

The "CxF information" profile...

... reports for example if a PDF uses spot colors for which no CxF information is present.