Replace existing ICC profile
pdfToolbox has the functionality to replace ICC profiles. This tutorial shows how to tag four color images with different ICC source profiles to one existing ICC profile. That is only possible when the same color space is used (DeviceCMYK or DeviceRGB) in the PDF document.
Open the attached PDF document in pdfToolbox (File > Open)
The PDF document has four images, each with their own ICC source profile.
PDF analysis preflight report of the original PDF document

The predefined PDF analysis profile "List page objects, grouped by type of object" provides the user PDF object information. It can be executed to get text, vector, image, ... information used in the PDF document. In the original attached PDF document the image in the top left has the ICC source profile "PSO Coated 300% NPscreen ISO12647 (baslCColor)".
Import the attached Profile
- Click on the Profile action button.
- Choose "Import callas pdfToolbox Profile".
Browse to the attached Profile

- Select the Profile "Tag PSO_Coated_NPscreen_ISO12647_eci.kfpx".
- Click "Open".
Go to the open Profiles dialog

- In search field search to "Tag PSO_Coated_NPscreen_ISO12647_eci".
- Select the "Tag PSO_Coated_NPscreen_ISO12647_eci" Profile.
- Click "Edit" to analyze the imported Profile.
Analyze imported Profile: Custom fixups
The Profile has one custom Fixup "Tag PSO_Coated_NPscreen_ISO12647_eci".
Analyze imported Profile: Custom fixup "Convert colors"
In the custom Fixup the Fixup "Convert colors" is used. The settings in the "Destination" tab are:
- Destination: "PSO Coated 300% NPscreen ISO12647 (ECI)" ICC profile
- CMYK: "PSO Coated 300% NPscreen ISO12647 (ECI)" ICC profile
Analyze imported Profile: Custom fixup "Convert colors" conversion settings
In the custom Fixup the Fixup "Convert colors" is used. The settings in the "Conversion settings" tab are:
- Objects: "Images PSO_Coated_NPscreen_ISO12647_eci v2" check
- Conversion: Tag with ICC profile
Analyze imported Profile: Custom fixup "Convert colors" objects check
The Fixup "Convert colors" uses a custom Check that has the Checks "Profile Description" and "Is image". The custom Check is configured to find images that have one of the following ICC source profiles:
- PSO Coated 300% NPscreen ISO12647 (basICColor)
- PSO Coated 300% NPscreen ISO12647 (ECI)
- PSO Coated NPscreen ISO12647 (basICColor)
- PSO Coated NPscreen ISO12647 (ECI)
Go to the open Profiles dialog

- Click "Analyze and fix" to apply the Profile on the PDF document loaded in pdfToolbox.
Save the output PDF document

- Save the output PDF document as "Tag PSO_Coated_NPscreen_ISO12647_eci_Processed".
- Click "Save".
The preflight report

The ICC source profile of the four images are replaced by the existing ICC profile "PSO Coated 300% NPscreen ISO12647 (ECI)".
PDF analysis preflight report of the processed PDF document

The image in the top left has the ICC profile "PSO Coated 300% NPscreen ISO12647 (ECI)". The same for the other images in the PDF document.