Above versus below: Object not below any other object
The property "Object not below any other object" detects whether an object is not overlapped by any other object above it.
The configuration options for a check based on the "Object not below other object" property can be seen below.
The "Consider" option defines the set of objects for which it shall be determined which of these objects is not overlapped by any other object from the set of objects defined by "Check against".

Sample files
The example below makes use of the check Object not below other object.kfpx and the PDF file red squares not || partially || completely below opaque green squares which are available for download:
In the four screenshots shown below, it can be seen how one red square as well as the three green circles are detected as those objects do not have any object above them that overlap or cover them.
Note: In the sample file, first the red squares are painted, followed b the green circles. Thus, by definition, none of the green circles will have objects above them that overlap or cover them.