Where do actions live

There is a wide list of actions in pdfToolbox. This article provides a simple overview of all action types, and indicates whether (and how) they are available in pdfToolbox CLI and pdfToolbox SDK.

Action types

Name Description Switchboard CLI SDK
Add bleed Adds bleed around the trimbox of the PDF. Large Format Printing > Add bleed Fixup: ‘Generate bleed at page edges’
Add borders Adds white space around the PDF with an optional fold line. Large Format Printing > Add borders Fixup: ’Set page geometry boxes’
Fixup: ‘Create and apply shapes'
Add ink layer Adds an additional ink layer under or over a selected portion of the PDF. Large Format Printing > Add ink layer Fixup: ‘Create and apply shapes'
Add marks Adds marks for the TrimBox and/or BleedBox to the PDF. Prepress > Add marks Fixup: ‘Add marks'
Add missing layer Put all objects that currently are not on a layer yet, on a new or existing layer. Layers > Add missing layer Fixup: ‘Put objects on layer'
Booklet Prepares the PDF for double-sided printing, such that the printout can be folded and saddle-stitched. Arrange > Booklet --booklet PTB_Booklet
Brightness Adjusts the brightness of all objects on the page, and is most suitable for B/W pages or where color PDFs have to be printed in black and white. Colors > Brightness Fixup: ‘Adjust dot gain'
Browse layers Allows you to see and modify layers and OCCDs. Layers > Browse layers -
Browse metadata Allows you to review document and object-level metadata in the PDF. Reports > Browse metadata --extractxmpmetadata PTB_ExtractXMPMetadata
Colors Creates a detailed report about the colors of the PDF. Reports > Colors --report=INVENTORY,COLORS... PTB_PreflightReport (with PTB_eInventory as PTB_EReportType)
Comments by author Puts comments from all authors on separate layers Layers > Comments by author -
Compare documents Allows visual comparison between two PDFs. Reports > Compare documents --compare PTB_Compare
Content export Extracts the content of the PDF as plain text or an XML with individual words or characters. Text > Content export --extractcontent
Action: ‘Contect export'
Action: ‘Contect export'
Convert to RGB Converts PDF files to RGB (sRGB) Colors > Convert to RGB Profile: ‘Convert to RGB'
Convert to B/W Converts PDF files to black and white Colors > Convert to B/W Profile: ‘Convert to grayscale'
Correct 4c Black Restores accidentally separated black. Colors > Correct 4c black Fixup: ‘Correct 4c black'
Create file package Creates a new PDF file containing all files from the selected folder. The file package has a summary and bookmarks for direct access to the embedded files. Document > Create file package --collection -
Create TrimBox Inserts a TrimBox and/or BleedBox based on the printer marks in the PDF. Prepress > Create Trimbox Fixup: ‘Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks'
Crop to visible Crops the page to the visible area. Pages > Crop to visible Fixup: ‘Crop all pages to bounding box'
DeviceLink conversion Converts colors in the PDF based on DeviceLink profiles. Colors > DeviceLink conversion Fixup: ‘Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles'
Downsample Reduces the resolution of images. Images > Downsample Fixup: 'Downsample/compress XXX images'
Duplicate page Duplicates pages in a PDF. Arrange > Duplicate page --duplicate page Fixup ‘Insert page'
Embed CxF data Embeds CxF data in the PDF. Prepress > Embed Cxf data --cxf --embed PTB_EmbedCxF
Embed files Embeds the selected files into the current PDF. All file types can be embedded. Document > Embed files --collection -
Embed font Embeds missing fonts in the PDF if they are installed on the system. Text > Embed font Fixup: ‘Embed missing fonts'
Enlarge Enlarges the page area without modifying the page content. Pages > Enlarge Fixup: ’Set page geometry boxes'
Enumerate layer Creates separate layers for the selected object types. Layers > Enumerate layer --enumeratelayers PTB_EnumerateLayers
EPS export Saves the PDF file as one or more single page EPS files. Transparency is flattened using the highest setting. Document > EPS export --createeps PTB_SaveAsEPS
Extract CxF data Extracts CxF data from the PDF. Prepress > Extract CxF data --cxf --extract PTB_ExtractCxF
Extract dieline Extracts a dueling from objects identified by a single check Document > Extract dieline --extractdieline -
Extract files Extracts files that are embedded in the PDF to the selected folder. Existing folder structures are reconstructed. Document > Extract files --extractembeddedfiles PTB_ExtractEmbeddedFiles
Extract ICC profiles Extracts ICC profiles from the PDF file (either the output intent profile or source profiles). Prepress > Extract ICC profiles
Colors > Extract ICC profiles
--extracticcprofiles PTB_ExtractICCProfile
Fill page Puts several pages on a larger imposed sheet. Distributes pages across / down as space permits. Arrange > Fill page --fillpage PTB_FillPage
Flatten layers Flattens all layers. Objects on invisible layers are removed. Layers > Flatten layers Fixup: ‘Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers'
Flatten transparency Flattens transparency in the PDF. Prepress > Flatten transparency Fixup: ‘Flatten transparency'
Flip Flips the pages horizontally or vertically Pages > Flip Fixup: ‘Flip pages'
Font to outlines Converts text to outlines so their fonts are no longer needed in the PDF. Text > Font to outline Fixup: ‘Convert font to outlines'
Fonts Creates a detailed report about the fonts of the PDF. Reports > Fonts --report=INVENTORY,FONTS... PTB_PreflightReport (with PTB_eInventory as PTB_EReportType)
Form fields by type Puts form fields based on their type on separate layers. Layers > Form fields by type -
Generate bleed Generates bleed for pages either by upscaling or by mirroring page content as an image. Pages > Generate bleed Fixup: ‘Generate bleed by upscaling’
Fixup: ‘Generate bleed at page edges'
Grommets by Number Adds a specific number of grommets to the PDF. Large Format Print > Grommets by number Fixup: ‘Add grommets'
Grommets by distance Adds grommets at specific distances around the PDF. Large Format Print > Grommets by distance Fixup: ‘Add grommets'
Handout Creates handouts from a PDF presentation. Present > Handout --handout PTB_Handout
Image export Saves the PDF in various image formats Document > Image export --saveasimg PTB_SaveAsImage
Images Creates a detailed report about the images of the PDF. Reports > Images --report=INVENTORY,IMAGES... PTB_PreflightReport (with PTB_eInventory as PTB_EReportType)
Import as layer Imports the selected PDF document as a layer in the PDF. Layers > Import as layer --importaslayer PTB_ImportAsLayer
Impose Offers flexible imposition based on imposition templates. Arrange > Impose --impose PTB_Impose
Increase line width Increases line width of thin lines to ensure printability Prepress > Increase line width Fixup: ‘Increase line width'
Light table Puts several pages on one new page to give the impression of a light table. Present > Light table --lighttable PTB_LightTable
Make layer Creates a new layer in the PDF with the objects identified using a preflight check. Layers > Make layer Fixup: ‘Put objects on layer'
Modify images Extracts all images from a PDF into a folder, together with a descriptive JSON file and replaces the images in the PDF with the images in the folder. Images > Extract --modifyimages --extract PTB_ModifyImagesExtract
Images > Replace --modifyimages --replace PTB_ModifyImagesReplace
Move content Moves the content of the page by a given distance. Pages > Move content Quickfix: ‘Apply transformation matrix'
New page Creates an empty page in the PDF document. Arrange > New page Fixup: ‘Insert page'
N-Up Puts several pages on a larger imposed sheet. Arrange > N-Up --nup PTB_NUp
OCR Adds invisible text to the page via OCR. Text > OCR Fixup: ‘Create invisible text via OCR'
Office PDF to CMYK Converts PDF files created by office applications to the selected printing condition. Colors > Office PDF to CMYK Profile: ‘Convert to CMYK, Office conversion'
Office to PDF Converts office documents directly to PDF. Document > Office to PDF Use office documents as input files
Optimize PDF Optimizes the internal structure of the PDF and saves it for fast web view. Document > Optimize PDF --optimizepdf -
Organize pages Allows for re-organizing the pages of one or more PDF documents. Pages > Organize pages Quickfix: ‘Reorder pages’ (partial)
Overprint & Knockout Fixes overprint issues for black and white objects. Prepress > Overprint & knockout Fixup: ’Set overprint & knockout'
Outline page boxes Adds vector lines on top of the page geometry boxes. Prepress > Outline page boxes Fixup: ‘Outline page geometry boxes'
Output intent Sets, replaces or removes an output intent from the PDF. Prepress > Output intent Fixup: ‘Embed output intent’, ‘Remove all output intent(s)’, and ’Set ICC profile for output intent(s)'
Overlay Places the content of a PDF on top of the active PDF. Document > Overlay --overlay PTB_Overlay
Passe partout Adds a background border around the current page content. Present > Passe partout --passepartout PTB_PassePartout
PDF/X-1a Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-1a ISO standard. Standards > PDF/X-1a Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-1a'
PDF/X-3 Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-3 ISO standard. Standards > PDF/X-3 Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-3'
PDF/X-4 Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-4 ISO standard. Standards > PDF/X-4 Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-4'
PDF/X-6 Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-6 ISO standard. Standards > PDF/X-6 Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-6'
Pole banner Prepares the PDF for production of a pole banner. Large Format Printing > Pole banner Process Plan: ‘Pole banner'
PostScript export Saves the PDF file into a PostScript file. Transparency is flattened using the highest setting. Document > PostScript export --createps PTB_SaveAsPostScript
PostScript to PDF Converts PostScript documents into PDF. Document > PostScript to PDF --topdf PTB_SaveAsPDF2
Pre-separated pages Splits pages in the PDF into pre-separated pages (e.g. 4 pages for CMYK pages). Prepress > Pre-separated pages Action: ‘Pre-separated pages'
Presentation Optimizes the PDF for slide presentations. Present > Presentation --presentation PTB_Presentation
Process conversion Prepares the PDF for the chosen printing condition and carries out the necessary color conversion. Colors > Process conversion Fixup: ‘Convert colors'
Process to spot Maps process colors into spot colors Colors > Process to spot Fixup: ‘Map spot colors’
Fixup: ‘Map spot and process colors'
Rasterize Rasterizes the content of large (heavy) pages into images. Pages > Rasterize Fixup: ‘Convert page content into image'
Reader spreads Converts a PDF with single pages into a document with reader spreads. Arrange > Reader spreads --readerspreads PTB_ReaderSpreads
Recompress Changes the compression type of the selected images. Images > Recompress Fixup: 'Downsample/compress XXX images'
Re-Distill Recreates the PDF via PostScript. Document > Re-Distill --redistill PTB_Redistill
Registration color Converts registration color (spot color ‘all’) to black only. Colors > Registration color Profile: ‘Convert registration color to CMYK black only'
Remove CxF data Removes CxF data from the PDF. Prepress > Remove CxF data Fixup: ‘Delete Cxf data'
Remove ICC profiles Removes source ICC profiles from tagged CMYK color spaces. Colors > Remove ICC profiles Fixup: ‘Conver colors’ using ‘Decalibrate’ option.
Remove layer Removes a layer together with all objects on that layer. Layers > Remove layer Fixup: ‘Remove layer'
Replace font Replaces an embedded font in the PDF with another font. Text > Replace font -
Replace text Replaces text in the document (using regular expressions that may contain back references). Text > Replace text Quickfix: ’Search and replace text'
Resample to JPEG2000 Resample images and compress them using JPEG 2000 compression. Images > Resample to JPEG2000 Fixup: 'Downsample/compress XXX images'
Resave as PDF 1.x Saves the document in the defined PDF format. Document > Resave as PDF 1.x Fixup: ’Set PDF version'
Rotate Rotates pages by a specified angle Pages > Rotate Fixup: ‘Rotate pages’
Quickfix: ‘Apply transformation matrix'
Sandwich Places the selected PDF on top of the processed PDF. Arrange > Sandwich --overlay PTB_Overlay
Scale by percent Scales the PDF to a given percentage. Pages > Scale by percent Fixup: ’Scale pages'
Scale page content only Scales the page content to a given percentage without changing the page dimensions. Pages > Scale page content only Quickfix: ‘Apply transformation matrix'
Scale page format only Adjust the page dimensions without changing the page content. Pages > Scale page format only Fixup: ’Set page geometry boxes'
Scale to format Scales the PDF proportionally to fit on the specified paper size. Pages > Scale to format Fixup: ’Scale pages'
Sharpen images Performs unsharp masking for images, which allows to increase contrast and density of images. Images > Sharpen images Fixup: ‘Unsharp masking of images'
Slice Splits a PDF into two documents: one with the selected objects, the second one with the rest. Arrange > Slice --slice PTB_Slice
Split layers For each layer view (or layer if no layer views are present), a new file is created with just the content of that layer (view). Layers > Split layers --splitlayers PTB_SplitLayers
Split or reorder Splits the PDF into ‘chunks’ of pages. Optionally merges them again. Arrange > Split or reorder --splitpdf PTB_Splitpdf
Split PDF at mark Splits the PDF into parts based on the result of a check. Arrange > Split PDF at mark --splitatmark -
Split in half Takes a PDF that has reader spreads and splits those into single pages. Arrange > Split in half --splithalf PTB_Splithalf
Spot colors Modifies spot colors as desired. Colors > Spot color Fixup: ‘Map spot colors’
Fixup: ‘Map spot and process colors'
Spotify Reduces page content to a specific number of spot colors. Prepress > Spotify --spotify Fixup: ’Spotify'
Spot to process Converts all spot colors in the PDF to process colors. Colors > Spot to process Fixup: ‘Convert all spot colors to CMYK'
Step & Repeat Puts each page of a PDF multiple times on a larger imposed sheet. Arrange > Step & Repeat --steprepeat PTB_StepRepeat
Subset font Creates subsets of fully embedded fonts to minimize file size. Text > Subset font Fixup: ’Subset fonts'
Tiling by number Cuts the PDF into a specific number of tiles horizontally and vertically. Large Format Printing > Tiling by number --tiling -
Tiling by distance Cuts the PDF into tiles of a specific width and height. Large Format Printing > Tiling by distance --tiling -
Tone value adjustment Adjusts tone values by a given percentage. Colors > Tone value adjustment Fixup: ‘Adjust dot gain'
Unembed all fonts Removes all embedded fonts from the document. Text > Unembed all fonts Action: ‘Unembed all fonts'
Visualizer Allows for visualizing print-relevant characteristics of the PDF. Reports > Visualizer --visualizer PTB_Visualizer