Where do actions live
There is a wide list of actions in pdfToolbox. This article provides a simple overview of all action types, and indicates whether (and how) they are available in pdfToolbox CLI and pdfToolbox SDK.
Action types
Name | Description | Switchboard | CLI | SDK |
Add bleed | Adds bleed around the trimbox of the PDF. | Large Format Printing > Add bleed | Fixup: ‘Generate bleed at page edges’ | |
Add borders | Adds white space around the PDF with an optional fold line. | Large Format Printing > Add borders | Fixup: ’Set page geometry boxes’ Fixup: ‘Create and apply shapes' |
Add ink layer | Adds an additional ink layer under or over a selected portion of the PDF. | Large Format Printing > Add ink layer | Fixup: ‘Create and apply shapes' | |
Add marks | Adds marks for the TrimBox and/or BleedBox to the PDF. | Prepress > Add marks | Fixup: ‘Add marks' | |
Add missing layer | Put all objects that currently are not on a layer yet, on a new or existing layer. | Layers > Add missing layer | Fixup: ‘Put objects on layer' | |
Booklet | Prepares the PDF for double-sided printing, such that the printout can be folded and saddle-stitched. | Arrange > Booklet | --booklet | PTB_Booklet |
Brightness | Adjusts the brightness of all objects on the page, and is most suitable for B/W pages or where color PDFs have to be printed in black and white. | Colors > Brightness | Fixup: ‘Adjust dot gain' | |
Browse layers | Allows you to see and modify layers and OCCDs. | Layers > Browse layers | - | |
Browse metadata | Allows you to review document and object-level metadata in the PDF. | Reports > Browse metadata | --extractxmpmetadata | PTB_ExtractXMPMetadata |
Colors | Creates a detailed report about the colors of the PDF. | Reports > Colors | --report=INVENTORY,COLORS... | PTB_PreflightReport (with PTB_eInventory as PTB_EReportType) |
Comments by author | Puts comments from all authors on separate layers | Layers > Comments by author | - | |
Compare documents | Allows visual comparison between two PDFs. | Reports > Compare documents | --compare | PTB_Compare |
Content export | Extracts the content of the PDF as plain text or an XML with individual words or characters. | Text > Content export | --extractcontent Action: ‘Contect export' |
Action: ‘Contect export' |
Convert to RGB | Converts PDF files to RGB (sRGB) | Colors > Convert to RGB | Profile: ‘Convert to RGB' | |
Convert to B/W | Converts PDF files to black and white | Colors > Convert to B/W | Profile: ‘Convert to grayscale' | |
Correct 4c Black | Restores accidentally separated black. | Colors > Correct 4c black | Fixup: ‘Correct 4c black' | |
Create file package | Creates a new PDF file containing all files from the selected folder. The file package has a summary and bookmarks for direct access to the embedded files. | Document > Create file package | --collection | - |
Create TrimBox | Inserts a TrimBox and/or BleedBox based on the printer marks in the PDF. | Prepress > Create Trimbox | Fixup: ‘Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks' | |
Crop to visible | Crops the page to the visible area. | Pages > Crop to visible | Fixup: ‘Crop all pages to bounding box' | |
DeviceLink conversion | Converts colors in the PDF based on DeviceLink profiles. | Colors > DeviceLink conversion | Fixup: ‘Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles' | |
Downsample | Reduces the resolution of images. | Images > Downsample | Fixup: 'Downsample/compress XXX images' | |
Duplicate page | Duplicates pages in a PDF. | Arrange > Duplicate page | --duplicate page | Fixup ‘Insert page' |
Embed CxF data | Embeds CxF data in the PDF. | Prepress > Embed Cxf data | --cxf --embed | PTB_EmbedCxF |
Embed files | Embeds the selected files into the current PDF. All file types can be embedded. | Document > Embed files | --collection | - |
Embed font | Embeds missing fonts in the PDF if they are installed on the system. | Text > Embed font | Fixup: ‘Embed missing fonts' | |
Enlarge | Enlarges the page area without modifying the page content. | Pages > Enlarge | Fixup: ’Set page geometry boxes' | |
Enumerate layer | Creates separate layers for the selected object types. | Layers > Enumerate layer | --enumeratelayers | PTB_EnumerateLayers |
EPS export | Saves the PDF file as one or more single page EPS files. Transparency is flattened using the highest setting. | Document > EPS export | --createeps | PTB_SaveAsEPS |
Extract CxF data | Extracts CxF data from the PDF. | Prepress > Extract CxF data | --cxf --extract | PTB_ExtractCxF |
Extract dieline | Extracts a dueling from objects identified by a single check | Document > Extract dieline | --extractdieline | - |
Extract files | Extracts files that are embedded in the PDF to the selected folder. Existing folder structures are reconstructed. | Document > Extract files | --extractembeddedfiles | PTB_ExtractEmbeddedFiles |
Extract ICC profiles | Extracts ICC profiles from the PDF file (either the output intent profile or source profiles). | Prepress > Extract ICC profiles Colors > Extract ICC profiles |
--extracticcprofiles | PTB_ExtractICCProfile |
Fill page | Puts several pages on a larger imposed sheet. Distributes pages across / down as space permits. | Arrange > Fill page | --fillpage | PTB_FillPage |
Flatten layers | Flattens all layers. Objects on invisible layers are removed. | Layers > Flatten layers | Fixup: ‘Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers' | |
Flatten transparency | Flattens transparency in the PDF. | Prepress > Flatten transparency | Fixup: ‘Flatten transparency' | |
Flip | Flips the pages horizontally or vertically | Pages > Flip | Fixup: ‘Flip pages' | |
Font to outlines | Converts text to outlines so their fonts are no longer needed in the PDF. | Text > Font to outline | Fixup: ‘Convert font to outlines' | |
Fonts | Creates a detailed report about the fonts of the PDF. | Reports > Fonts | --report=INVENTORY,FONTS... | PTB_PreflightReport (with PTB_eInventory as PTB_EReportType) |
Form fields by type | Puts form fields based on their type on separate layers. | Layers > Form fields by type | - | |
Generate bleed | Generates bleed for pages either by upscaling or by mirroring page content as an image. | Pages > Generate bleed | Fixup: ‘Generate bleed by upscaling’ Fixup: ‘Generate bleed at page edges' |
Grommets by Number | Adds a specific number of grommets to the PDF. | Large Format Print > Grommets by number | Fixup: ‘Add grommets' | |
Grommets by distance | Adds grommets at specific distances around the PDF. | Large Format Print > Grommets by distance | Fixup: ‘Add grommets' | |
Handout | Creates handouts from a PDF presentation. | Present > Handout | --handout | PTB_Handout |
Image export | Saves the PDF in various image formats | Document > Image export | --saveasimg | PTB_SaveAsImage |
Images | Creates a detailed report about the images of the PDF. | Reports > Images | --report=INVENTORY,IMAGES... | PTB_PreflightReport (with PTB_eInventory as PTB_EReportType) |
Import as layer | Imports the selected PDF document as a layer in the PDF. | Layers > Import as layer | --importaslayer | PTB_ImportAsLayer |
Impose | Offers flexible imposition based on imposition templates. | Arrange > Impose | --impose | PTB_Impose |
Increase line width | Increases line width of thin lines to ensure printability | Prepress > Increase line width | Fixup: ‘Increase line width' | |
Light table | Puts several pages on one new page to give the impression of a light table. | Present > Light table | --lighttable | PTB_LightTable |
Make layer | Creates a new layer in the PDF with the objects identified using a preflight check. | Layers > Make layer | Fixup: ‘Put objects on layer' | |
Modify images | Extracts all images from a PDF into a folder, together with a descriptive JSON file and replaces the images in the PDF with the images in the folder. | Images > Extract | --modifyimages --extract | PTB_ModifyImagesExtract |
Images > Replace | --modifyimages --replace | PTB_ModifyImagesReplace | ||
Move content | Moves the content of the page by a given distance. | Pages > Move content | Quickfix: ‘Apply transformation matrix' | |
New page | Creates an empty page in the PDF document. | Arrange > New page | Fixup: ‘Insert page' | |
N-Up | Puts several pages on a larger imposed sheet. | Arrange > N-Up | --nup | PTB_NUp |
OCR | Adds invisible text to the page via OCR. | Text > OCR | Fixup: ‘Create invisible text via OCR' | |
Office PDF to CMYK | Converts PDF files created by office applications to the selected printing condition. | Colors > Office PDF to CMYK | Profile: ‘Convert to CMYK, Office conversion' | |
Office to PDF | Converts office documents directly to PDF. | Document > Office to PDF | Use office documents as input files | |
Optimize PDF | Optimizes the internal structure of the PDF and saves it for fast web view. | Document > Optimize PDF | --optimizepdf | - |
Organize pages | Allows for re-organizing the pages of one or more PDF documents. | Pages > Organize pages | Quickfix: ‘Reorder pages’ (partial) | |
Overprint & Knockout | Fixes overprint issues for black and white objects. | Prepress > Overprint & knockout | Fixup: ’Set overprint & knockout' | |
Outline page boxes | Adds vector lines on top of the page geometry boxes. | Prepress > Outline page boxes | Fixup: ‘Outline page geometry boxes' | |
Output intent | Sets, replaces or removes an output intent from the PDF. | Prepress > Output intent | Fixup: ‘Embed output intent’, ‘Remove all output intent(s)’, and ’Set ICC profile for output intent(s)' | |
Overlay | Places the content of a PDF on top of the active PDF. | Document > Overlay | --overlay | PTB_Overlay |
Passe partout | Adds a background border around the current page content. | Present > Passe partout | --passepartout | PTB_PassePartout |
PDF/X-1a | Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-1a ISO standard. | Standards > PDF/X-1a | Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-1a' | |
PDF/X-3 | Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-3 ISO standard. | Standards > PDF/X-3 | Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-3' | |
PDF/X-4 | Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-4 ISO standard. | Standards > PDF/X-4 | Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-4' | |
PDF/X-6 | Converts a PDF to the PDF/X-6 ISO standard. | Standards > PDF/X-6 | Profile ‘Convert to PDF/X-6' | |
Pole banner | Prepares the PDF for production of a pole banner. | Large Format Printing > Pole banner | Process Plan: ‘Pole banner' | |
PostScript export | Saves the PDF file into a PostScript file. Transparency is flattened using the highest setting. | Document > PostScript export | --createps | PTB_SaveAsPostScript |
PostScript to PDF | Converts PostScript documents into PDF. | Document > PostScript to PDF | --topdf | PTB_SaveAsPDF2 |
Pre-separated pages | Splits pages in the PDF into pre-separated pages (e.g. 4 pages for CMYK pages). | Prepress > Pre-separated pages | Action: ‘Pre-separated pages' | |
Presentation | Optimizes the PDF for slide presentations. | Present > Presentation | --presentation | PTB_Presentation |
Process conversion | Prepares the PDF for the chosen printing condition and carries out the necessary color conversion. | Colors > Process conversion | Fixup: ‘Convert colors' | |
Process to spot | Maps process colors into spot colors | Colors > Process to spot | Fixup: ‘Map spot colors’ Fixup: ‘Map spot and process colors' |
Rasterize | Rasterizes the content of large (heavy) pages into images. | Pages > Rasterize | Fixup: ‘Convert page content into image' | |
Reader spreads | Converts a PDF with single pages into a document with reader spreads. | Arrange > Reader spreads | --readerspreads | PTB_ReaderSpreads |
Recompress | Changes the compression type of the selected images. | Images > Recompress | Fixup: 'Downsample/compress XXX images' | |
Re-Distill | Recreates the PDF via PostScript. | Document > Re-Distill | --redistill | PTB_Redistill |
Registration color | Converts registration color (spot color ‘all’) to black only. | Colors > Registration color | Profile: ‘Convert registration color to CMYK black only' | |
Remove CxF data | Removes CxF data from the PDF. | Prepress > Remove CxF data | Fixup: ‘Delete Cxf data' | |
Remove ICC profiles | Removes source ICC profiles from tagged CMYK color spaces. | Colors > Remove ICC profiles | Fixup: ‘Conver colors’ using ‘Decalibrate’ option. | |
Remove layer | Removes a layer together with all objects on that layer. | Layers > Remove layer | Fixup: ‘Remove layer' | |
Replace font | Replaces an embedded font in the PDF with another font. | Text > Replace font | - | |
Replace text | Replaces text in the document (using regular expressions that may contain back references). | Text > Replace text | Quickfix: ’Search and replace text' | |
Resample to JPEG2000 | Resample images and compress them using JPEG 2000 compression. | Images > Resample to JPEG2000 | Fixup: 'Downsample/compress XXX images' | |
Resave as PDF 1.x | Saves the document in the defined PDF format. | Document > Resave as PDF 1.x | Fixup: ’Set PDF version' | |
Rotate | Rotates pages by a specified angle | Pages > Rotate | Fixup: ‘Rotate pages’ Quickfix: ‘Apply transformation matrix' |
Sandwich | Places the selected PDF on top of the processed PDF. | Arrange > Sandwich | --overlay | PTB_Overlay |
Scale by percent | Scales the PDF to a given percentage. | Pages > Scale by percent | Fixup: ’Scale pages' | |
Scale page content only | Scales the page content to a given percentage without changing the page dimensions. | Pages > Scale page content only | Quickfix: ‘Apply transformation matrix' | |
Scale page format only | Adjust the page dimensions without changing the page content. | Pages > Scale page format only | Fixup: ’Set page geometry boxes' | |
Scale to format | Scales the PDF proportionally to fit on the specified paper size. | Pages > Scale to format | Fixup: ’Scale pages' | |
Sharpen images | Performs unsharp masking for images, which allows to increase contrast and density of images. | Images > Sharpen images | Fixup: ‘Unsharp masking of images' | |
Slice | Splits a PDF into two documents: one with the selected objects, the second one with the rest. | Arrange > Slice | --slice | PTB_Slice |
Split layers | For each layer view (or layer if no layer views are present), a new file is created with just the content of that layer (view). | Layers > Split layers | --splitlayers | PTB_SplitLayers |
Split or reorder | Splits the PDF into ‘chunks’ of pages. Optionally merges them again. | Arrange > Split or reorder | --splitpdf | PTB_Splitpdf |
Split PDF at mark | Splits the PDF into parts based on the result of a check. | Arrange > Split PDF at mark | --splitatmark | - |
Split in half | Takes a PDF that has reader spreads and splits those into single pages. | Arrange > Split in half | --splithalf | PTB_Splithalf |
Spot colors | Modifies spot colors as desired. | Colors > Spot color | Fixup: ‘Map spot colors’ Fixup: ‘Map spot and process colors' |
Spotify | Reduces page content to a specific number of spot colors. | Prepress > Spotify | --spotify | Fixup: ’Spotify' |
Spot to process | Converts all spot colors in the PDF to process colors. | Colors > Spot to process | Fixup: ‘Convert all spot colors to CMYK' | |
Step & Repeat | Puts each page of a PDF multiple times on a larger imposed sheet. | Arrange > Step & Repeat | --steprepeat | PTB_StepRepeat |
Subset font | Creates subsets of fully embedded fonts to minimize file size. | Text > Subset font | Fixup: ’Subset fonts' | |
Tiling by number | Cuts the PDF into a specific number of tiles horizontally and vertically. | Large Format Printing > Tiling by number | --tiling | - |
Tiling by distance | Cuts the PDF into tiles of a specific width and height. | Large Format Printing > Tiling by distance | --tiling | - |
Tone value adjustment | Adjusts tone values by a given percentage. | Colors > Tone value adjustment | Fixup: ‘Adjust dot gain' | |
Unembed all fonts | Removes all embedded fonts from the document. | Text > Unembed all fonts | Action: ‘Unembed all fonts' | |
Visualizer | Allows for visualizing print-relevant characteristics of the PDF. | Reports > Visualizer | --visualizer | PTB_Visualizer |